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Re: Character Flaws

Posted: Wed May 20, 2009 2:27 pm
by WarpGirl
I forgot about them! I remember screaming GOD MULDER JUST JUMP HER! Then take her to Vegas add liquor, and MARRY HER CATHOLIC FANNY! But no that would be too normal for Fox Mulder. Too bad. I stopped early he was hot and wonderful but too irritating! But then again TnT only had four years to mess around with and it was Super! Archer's show. My mama says "Trip should be Captain, he's the best one there!" :lol: I kid you not.

Re: Character Flaws

Posted: Thu May 21, 2009 12:01 pm
by Aquarius
WarpGirl wrote:Hey girl was that at me or T'Pol crying over "Dances With Wolves?" If the latter I have to agree, I mean yeah her trellium abuse (major flaw) screwed her up but not that badly. Unfortunately I found another flaw of Trip's tonight... He tends to lie by omission if he fears being rejected, and he assumes that he will be way too easily. Poor Trip, Poor T'Pol such lousy communication skills.

Definitely the latter! My face upon reading that: :shock: If that were a symptom of the Trellium, I would maybe buy it if it was toward the end of her shame spiral and she was coming unraveled a lot.

It seems to me that both Trip and T'Pol hold a lot back for fear of rejection. :(

Re: Character Flaws

Posted: Thu May 21, 2009 12:08 pm
by panyasan
Alelou wrote:Well, I tried, but I just couldn't get past T'Pol crying over a movie.

:lol: Me too, I start reading it and the first thought I had was "I don't think T'Pol would cry over a movie." Analyzing a movie, yes, pointing out the mistakes, yes, maybe saying she appriciates it, yes, but crying, no. When Trip cried over a movie on the show, I thought that was a bit over the top. He doesn't strike me like the crying over a movie-type either.

Re: Character Flaws

Posted: Thu May 21, 2009 1:43 pm
by WarpGirl
Yeah well one of these days I'll write a little one-shot where Hoshi tells Trip, "Listen Commander, T'Pol speaks English but she THINKS in Vulcan and most Vulcan words translate differently into English. You might actually want to consider that you might be getting it wrong. Of course this works both ways. Intersting thought don't you think Sir?" They both fear rejection but Trip needs less encouragement. Besides as much as I hate "Harbinger" T'Pol did make the first move, and then the second in "Home" it's time for the boy to claim his mate! Flowers don't work, SHE IS VULCAN, after all. :wink:

Re: Character Flaws

Posted: Thu May 21, 2009 6:27 pm
by Linda
Yeah, Vulcans prefer lurpas to flowers as courtship devices. :lol: Koss even alluded to that when he visited T'Pol in her mother's garden. But T'Pol might be that one out of six billion Vulcans who actually might prefer flowers...

Re: Character Flaws

Posted: Thu May 21, 2009 6:45 pm
by WarpGirl
No way PIE is the gift you bring T'Pol especially after a long hard day. That or you play the harmonica of course. :D

Re: Character Flaws

Posted: Thu May 21, 2009 6:59 pm
by Kevin Thomas Riley
No, you bring her sweet Georgia peaches.

Re: Character Flaws

Posted: Thu May 21, 2009 7:04 pm
by WarpGirl
Those work too. Or Triaxian Silk, maybe a nice IDIC. I know mama gave her one but one with an earth gem might be nice. Most women like jewelry and Vulcans wore a lot in the 23rd, 24th centuries. They seemed to forget that.

Re: Character Flaws

Posted: Thu May 21, 2009 8:32 pm
by panyasan
WarpGirl wrote:Those work too. Or Triaxian Silk, maybe a nice IDIC. I know mama gave her one but one with an earth gem might be nice. Most women like jewelry and Vulcans wore a lot in the 23rd, 24th centuries. They seemed to forget that.

There is a fic where Trip buys T'Pol some silk and jewelry and the jewelry is a sort of spy-device from the Orions (I think). Think it was a roundabout at HoT.

Re: Character Flaws

Posted: Thu May 21, 2009 8:49 pm
by WarpGirl
Drat can't find it. Oh well. :(

Re: Character Flaws

Posted: Fri May 22, 2009 4:13 am
by panyasan
panyasan wrote:
WarpGirl wrote:Those work too. Or Triaxian Silk, maybe a nice IDIC. I know mama gave her one but one with an earth gem might be nice. Most women like jewelry and Vulcans wore a lot in the 23rd, 24th centuries. They seemed to forget that.

There is a fic where Trip buys T'Pol some silk and jewelry and the jewelry is a sort of spy-device from the Orions (I think). Think it was a roundabout at HoT.

Here's the link: ... fuge.shtml

It's a story written by several writers and it's kind of nice to see the difference between writers in wording and style and how they look at the relationship of TnT.

Re: Character Flaws

Posted: Fri May 22, 2009 5:29 am
by WarpGirl
Thanks. It was wonderful in spots and a little campy in others. I loved Malcolm though. It's the accent I'm a sucker for the accent.