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Question about the military and mental illness

Posted: Mon Aug 17, 2009 10:09 pm
by Distracted
I asked a question on the comment thread for Lertieran Chapter 9, and then realized that I'd probably get a more useful response if I asked everybody rather than just the half-dozen or so people who are reading the story, so here's the question:

Archer isn't just suffering from delusions of grandeur. I've tried to portray his condition as a chemical imbalance in the brain triggered by carrying Surak's katra combined with old emotional baggage associated with being raised by a rabidly bigoted workaholic single parent. Sorsen can fix one thing, but not the other, so even though Archer won't be perfect after treatment, he'll be the same guy they put in charge in the first place. Maybe better.

I've been thinking about the issue of Starfleet repercussions, though. Anybody know what sort of requirements there are for return to duty after something like a reactive depression in today's military? Would they even allow a return to duty, or is the need for medical treatment for mental illness automatic grounds for medical discharge?

Re: Question about the military and mental illness

Posted: Mon Aug 17, 2009 10:23 pm
by Alelou
Guess I didn't notice your question (since I'm certainly still reading LC), but given that Phlox rather alarmingly let T'Pol work right through drug addiction without notifying anyone, I think you could assume he might do the same with some weird katra thing that wouldn't fit any of Starfleet's reporting categories anyway.

Re: Question about the military and mental illness

Posted: Mon Aug 17, 2009 11:02 pm
by Distracted
I agree, but I was hoping to make it more believable by putting in some legitimate requirements for return to duty after treatment for mental lillness.

Re: Question about the military and mental illness

Posted: Mon Aug 17, 2009 11:31 pm
by Alelou
Something for him to intentionally sidestep, you mean? Guess you need your military guys for that.

(What was it they called it in Apocalypse Now? Oh yeah, "extreme prejudice"...)

Re: Question about the military and mental illness

Posted: Tue Aug 18, 2009 2:38 am
by Aquarius
I confess that I don't know the answer to your question, but in thinking about "Damage" when T'Pol confessed her addiction to Phlox, I'm wondering how much the regs would matter on that ship, since Phlox kept everything on the down-low so long as T'Pol underwent the treatment regimen he prescribed. Surely one would think that if SFC found out about it, there would be these aforementioned requirements for return to duty, not to mention some form of punishment, but Phlox, being a man of medicine and not of military, is obviously more focused on patient wellness than rules, so if he's the one calling the shots, what you write could even be more Phlox's own requirements before he'd send someone back to work, versus Starfleet's.

Re: Question about the military and mental illness

Posted: Tue Aug 18, 2009 3:37 am
by Distracted
Ah. Now I can do that with no problem. :D

Re: Question about the military and mental illness

Posted: Tue Aug 18, 2009 4:11 am
by Aquarius
Bonus. :D 8) :thumbsup:

Re: Question about the military and mental illness

Posted: Wed Aug 19, 2009 2:32 pm
by CX
I doubt they'd allow him back on active duty, though being the "savior" and all, they'd probably give him some kind of position behind a desk, or maybe going around doing PR stuff.

Re: Question about the military and mental illness

Posted: Wed Aug 19, 2009 10:55 pm
by Navigator
To repost and add to what I commented on chapter 9...

It depends on severity, which I know is a weasel answer. If there is a formal record of the problem, something WILL be done. If it is a relatively minor condition, the individual will be moved to a desk job and given outpatient treatment. In more severe cases or the during beginning of treatment, the individual would be transferred or TAD'd to a Naval Hospital. If the illness is really severe the individual would be retired or discharged as appropriate and treatment would be by the VA. In no case would the individual retain a command, let alone a warship. If certified as cured (cured may be the wrong word but functional sounded too cold), the individual might again regain an administrative command, but not an operational one.

Not to say there aren't any nutty CO's, they just haven't been caught yet. And to expand on my comments, sometimes it takes a while for the actions to happen and people do slip through but not forever. You need to go read about Arnheiter. He was one of the worst examples.

In Archer's case he would most likely be removed to an admin job of some sort while being treated. Too much of a high profile to be discharged. There is also TMDR - Temporary Medical Disability Retirement.

Quite frankly, even though Phlox is a civilian, some of his shenanigans in treatment of patients would have him on the next flight home, especially if the Trellium mess came to light.

Re: Question about the military and mental illness

Posted: Wed Aug 19, 2009 11:05 pm
by WarpGirl
It's not a weasel answer if it's the truth. But honestly Starfleet is nothing like a tradtional military in anything but structure, and even that is twisted to fit the stories told. I say do what you want.

Re: Question about the military and mental illness

Posted: Sat Sep 26, 2009 5:41 pm
by Silverbullet
Have not read story, yet. However, Archer could present a danger. If he had a relapse while in command during action. Something like T-Pol in the episode she was in command of Enterprise, froze because of withdrawal symptoms and almost got Enterprise destroyed. Azati Prime I belive the Episode was. Phlox not only had a duty to his patient but also to the ship and crew. He fouled up by not relieveing T-Pol of duty so he might be wary this time.

IF Starfleet learned of Archers condition he would be relieved of Command hustled back to Headquarters and evaluated. The results of the evaluation would dictate what would be done with him. He would not be returned to active duty in command of a Warshiip. Probably eased into a desk job, assigned to work on building a coalition (the federation) or simply discharged and sent to a VA hospital for any treatment needed.

How serious are you going to make Archers condition?

Re: Question about the military and mental illness

Posted: Sat Sep 26, 2009 6:10 pm
by Distracted
I suppose you'd need to read the story to determine that for yourself, but I understand your reluctance to tackle the project since we're up to episode 9 of a series only peripherally related to Enterprise. In any case, my take on Archer's mental state is that none of us are perfect. We learn to deal with the scars we accumulate in childhood and adolescence and we live our lives as best as we can. In Archer's case, he has fought and suppressed his subconscious resentment of Vulcans, a holdover from being raised by a gifted but bigoted father.

This resentment was turned on its head by the effects of carrying Surak's katra. I have envisioned a chemical imbalance within his brain triggered by intimate mental contact with such a powerful alien intellect. Archer was forced to see the falseness of his bigoted attitudes and went totally off the deep end in the opposite direction, at one point even believing himself drastically superior to other humans because of Surak's influence and the effects it had on his brain. Under Surak's influence he became more intelligent, certainly, but Archer's mistaken attempts to use Vulcan coping mechanisms to deal with his self-hate and remorse following his actions in the Expanse have made him mentally more Vulcan than human and his brain just can't handle it.

Phlox has consulted a Vulcan mental healer who can erase the effects of Surak's influence, but Archer will have to rebuild his original human defenses and coping mechanisms and repair his relationships with the crew. This will require therapy and a lot of captain's mess dinners. 8)

Re: Question about the military and mental illness

Posted: Sat Sep 26, 2009 6:19 pm
by Dinah
Silverbullet, The Lerteiran Chronicles is an absolutely MARVELOUS story. I hope you decide to read it. The Enterprise characters figure in the story, but there is SO much more.

Re: Question about the military and mental illness

Posted: Sat Sep 26, 2009 7:49 pm
by Asso
Dinah wrote:Silverbullet, The Lerteiran Chronicles is an absolutely MARVELOUS story. I hope you decide to read it. The Enterprise characters figure in the story, but there is SO much more.

Yes. I think everyone knows how I'm practically whole-head-heart-Trip and T'Pol-centered, but The Lerteiran Chronicles is special.

Re: Question about the military and mental illness

Posted: Sat Sep 26, 2009 9:01 pm
by Alelou
Yep, you'll definitely enjoy it, SilverBullet. It's a crackin' good story, and the sensibilities about the characters are similar to yours. Give it a try.