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Re: Dreams

Postby Bether6074 » Tue Feb 03, 2009 11:42 pm

Not all that sure that I want to write about the disturbing dream I had last night. :? Somehow my cat (that I had to put down over 3 years ago at the age of 16) had fallen into our enormous pool (we don't have a pool) and drowned. It was horrible. :( And then somehow my husband got rid of the pool and I couldn't find Herschel anywhere. I wanted him back to give him a proper burial or something. I think I would put this more in a nightmare-like category. I have had a lot of major stress recently but this was just plain weird and disturbing. I guess I'll have to try to analyze that one for a while. Strange. Strange. Strange. :?

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Re: Dreams

Postby Alelou » Tue Feb 03, 2009 11:51 pm

:( Yeah, that's a nasty one all right.
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Re: Dreams

Postby dark_rain » Wed Feb 04, 2009 2:19 am

Oooh, not nice.

Got my own one today:

For some reason someone (I don't recall who) in the family was dying even though there was absolutely nothing wrong with them. Actually maybe they just popped out of existance. Anyway I kinda went to this massive house, more of a mansion really, which was a massive almalgamation of loads of styles. It also had a lot of polished white marble and was really brightly lit. Anyway, the people who had been following me for whatever reason had vanished and I was alone. There was also this massive outbuilding that was exactly the same thing, except very very dark but still just as clean. There was this ticking of clocks following me around as well. The white house (heh) had loads of things in it, like a large family lived there, but the black house was totally empty. I **think** I ran back to the white house (whose layout, now I think of it, was really similar to that of Kenwyn Building at Truro College. (My college) then locked the door and huddled in the middle of a massive room.

Looking back now thats actually pretty lame, but at the time it was quite disturbing. I mean it was enough to have me jumping out of my skin on wakeup. Weird. I think this must be tied into recent life stresses but I don't know what. Sorry if all that was a bit jumbled, but thats just how it came out of my head again just now.
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Re: Dreams

Postby Dusalis Drake » Wed Feb 04, 2009 4:43 am

Hm... I don't remember any of my dreams. Heck, I don't even remember dreaming at all since last year, and those were usually associated with test stress. I would say that 95% of the time it's just lay down—sleep—wake up—get up. Although that last part is more like wake up—throw something at the alarm—finally get up :wink:

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Re: Dreams

Postby Nemo Blank » Thu Feb 05, 2009 4:39 am

I was in this really small, ancient and crappy bar, the wood in the booths had about a hundred coats of light blue paint and the seats were really messed up, just a home made sort of bench with no cushion. The lighting was really bad and the smell was kind of strong too, but I liked the place. I was really confused until this super nice and amazingly well endowed waitress brought me some awesome tasting dark beer and told me that it was on the house that night.

I took a drink and noticed this tiny stage, almost an alcove, on which Elvis Presley and Jim Morrison were drinking from beer glasses, a pitcher sitting on a stool between them, and playing George Thorogood covers. They were all good drinking tunes and the different styles they put on them were really cool. Elvis eventually raised a glass and told me that German beer was the best in the world while Morrison just laughed.

I then woke up from the bed shaking because of an earthquake.

That was actually pretty cool.

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Re: Dreams

Postby Alelou » Thu Feb 05, 2009 12:46 pm

That sounds like a very happy dream, all right!
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Re: Dreams

Postby TPoptarts » Sat Feb 07, 2009 4:38 am

I had a weird dream, well I've been having lots of crazy dreams lately but I always forget what they're about before I get a chance to post them :? :( but anyway this latest one I don't even know how it started, but there was like a school with little kids which for some reason looked like my grandparents' apartment and it was packed with little kids, and we gave them food and then after they finished eating I wanted to eat something too but the only thing left was 1 tortilla wrap (flour tortilla because corn tortillas smell like :upchuck: ) and some lemon juice and a jar of apple sauce. So I warmed the tortilla up and put some lemon juice on it and then spread lots of apple sauce and rolled it up and ate it, and it actually tasted pretty good. I think I want a nice warm lemon juice/apple sauce wrap now. (Heh figures I'd remember the part about the food :? :p :lol: I'm hungry :( ) Oh and Zombie was there too for some reason I think we worked there or something.

And when I was hungry my mother kept yelling at me and I just wanted to eat, and she's like well there's no food left what are you gonna eat, and I was like I'll eat the tortilla with lemon juice and apple sauce, and my mother keeps screaming at me to put it down and act like a human being and not be ridiculous, and I kept screaming back that I'm hungry and I'll eat whatever I want and if she doesn't want me to eat that then go get me "human" food. Well and it tasted good anyway so what's her problem.

And like then we were in a van on the way to some kinda hearing or something that Zombie was supposed to testify as some kinda "expert" (WHUT?? :? :faint: ), but then in the middle of the ride Zombie got out of the van said she had to do something else first and told us to go without her, and then we got to a bus stop where all the people from the hearing were waiting, apparently it was supposed to be like about some kinda new breakthrough ultrasound equipment or whatever, and Zombie was supposed to be their "medical professional" expert witness (WHUT?? :shock: Well I guess if she's crazy/delusional enough to tell people she was the president of the US and has her face on $2,000 bills, it wouldn't be beyond her to tell people she's a doctor... but still) but Zombie never showed up we waited and waited, I didn't even know what it was about but since she didn't show up I offered them my help instead (I didn't know she was supposed to testify or about the ultrasound machine or anything). And the head developer guy or whatever he was goes like "are YOU a medical professional??" And I'm like "no but neither is Zombie" but apparently they already knew that Zombie was just a mental case and not a medical professional and didn't care, and they didn't trust me and told me to forget it.

And then we waited for Zombie some more, but she didn't show up so the guy caved because I was the only one there who could serve as their witness, so he said okay then we went behind the side of the bus stop cuz the inside was packed with people, and he had to like "teach" me some stuff some pointers about their technology so at least I'll know what I'm talking about. And he puts this poster that was supposed to be of a female insides but I look at it like WHAT THE FRELL KINDA ALIEN ANATOMY BOOK DID THEY TAKE THAT FROM?? :shock: :faint: But the guy apparently didn't see anything wrong with it. But it was like totally messed up it had like the bowel all horizontal at the very bottom where the bladder is supposed to be and it kinda led to nowhere and there was no bladder, and it was short only like 2 feet and the lungs were right above it, and like on the right part of the lower abdomen thing (left side of the poster) there was something that was supposed to be the uterus, it was like a big diagonal oval thing actually it kinda looked like a full bladder with a cervix tube thing coming out of one side/bottom of the oval thing and going... nowhere :? and it had like a line dividing it in the middle which kinda made it look like the head of an eyeless muppet, which the guy said was supposed to be a "uterine fibroid" (WHUT?? :? :shock: ) which is apparently one of the uses they're trying to sell their ultrasound equipment for. Oh and there were no ovaries or anything. Crazy weird poster :?

So like when the guy was trying to coach me on uses for their ultrasound machine he puts this poster up, then goes like "for example where's the best place in the body to put the ultrasound probe", and I'm like "well depends what you're trying to see" and he snaps like "you see I told you you can't do this you don't know anything, we need a medical professional" and I'm like dude why the frell is everybody up on my case what did I do. :( And then I woke up. :?


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Re: Dreams

Postby enterprikayak » Sat Feb 07, 2009 7:17 pm

Wow. Well he's obviously the moron with his incorrect anatomical poster. ;)

Zombie was president? Huh. I missed that.
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Re: Dreams

Postby justTripn » Sat Feb 07, 2009 7:47 pm

Nemo, you are lucky if you can taste things in your dreams. That is always the frustrating part for me. I have recurring dreams about all-you-can-eat buffets, but after I load up my plate and try to taste the food, the dream ends.

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Re: Dreams

Postby TPoptarts » Wed Sep 09, 2009 3:55 am

I had a scary dream last night :? like in my dream the manager hired MY PARENTS to work here in the office. Like WTF?? :explode: :evil: and there was like a family with a baby staying in one of the rooms, and so one day I find out that my mother (who was working in the office at the time) gave my father the keys to go to my room go into my stuff and give that baby all my stuffed animals and voodoo dolls I made etc. And like then I went to the office and yelled at them like WTF why are they going into my stuff giving it to some frelling strangers without my permission. And my father goes like chill, we just gave them your toys, what's the big deal. And I'm like WHAT'S THE BIG DEAL, LIKE WHO THE FRELL GAVE YOU THE RIGHT TO GO INTO MY ROOM, TAKE MY STUFF AND DO WHATEVER THE FRELL YOU WANT WITH IT. Like they wouldn't go into other people's rooms take other people's stuff as they see fit or whatever, but they think they can do whatever they want when it comes to me cuz I ain't got no rights. And I was so frelling pissed I wanted to kill something. :evil: :evil: :evil:

The unfortunate thing is it's really just like them to do that in real life. They have no respect for me whatsoever and they think they can just do whatever they want to me and anything I care about. Like when my mother was "tutoring" this stupid ass spoiled 8 year old girl for her scholarship thingy or whatever, and like basically she was supposed to take her and help her with like schoolwork and stuff like that for a couple hours every time, as if my mother knows anything about schoolwork but that's not the point. Anyway she took the damn kid and basically did nothing with her she would always do her own stuff and dump the stupid girl on me as if I didn't have nothing better to do and like HELLO it was HER job not mine, am I getting a frelling scholarship?? I don't think so!! So frelling own up to your responsibilities that you took on to begin with. And if I wasn't there to dump that kid on she'd just give her free reign over the house. And then she'd go to my room and mess with my stuff and then I'd get back and confront my mother like why does she let the frelling girl go to my room and touch my stuff, and my mother goes like because she doesn't frelling care. And she goes like that girl's really spoiled, at her home everything pretty much revolves around her and she just does whatever the hell she wants. And then I'm like dude this ain't her own house, and you're supposed to have some responsibility over her when she's here not to mention RESPECT for my privacy WTF, and then she starts yelling at me that she's a really busy person and if I'm not there to take the stupid spoiled kid like what is she supposed to do.

Like what in Tartarus?? Who's job is that. You want the frelling scholarship, you accepted the responsibility of "tutoring" that demon spawn, you knew you were a busy person before you took that on yourself so WHAT THE FRELL. Why is it supposed to be my frelling job all of the sudden, and why make ME suffer the consequences of your frelling incompetence. And she wasn't helping her with anything at all so what's the frelling point. It's like when my mother was "teaching" psychology at the community college, not that she even had a clue what she was supposed to be teaching anyway, but when she started that job all of the sudden it was MY job to prepare her frelling lessons for her. Like WTF then why don't you let me teach your classes too and get paid for it what YOU get paid to have someone else do your frelling job for you. Gah :explode: :evil: :bitch:


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Re: Dreams

Postby enterprikayak » Wed Sep 09, 2009 5:15 am

all of the sudden it was MY job to prepare her frelling lessons for her

that's pretty weird.

You must be a pretty smart girl though. ;)
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Re: Dreams

Postby justTripn » Fri Sep 18, 2009 12:39 pm

OK, in this one, maybe I was dreaming I was T'Poptarts. I dreamed that my kids were going on a school field trip to Washington D.C. and for the arts and crafts component of this trip, I was going to show the kids how to make doll clothes. Never mind that I don't know the first thing about making doll clothes. (They needed T'Poptarts) With the day quickly approaching, I began to worry about this. I was imagining everyone with a needle in their hand. Then wondered if I should borrow a sewing machine. Realized I had no materials. I was still telling myself, I have one more day to pull this all together, then I asked my son P., "When are you guys leaving on the trip?" He says with a big smile, "This morning!" Of course I panic and wake up, and despite how absurd this dream was it took me forever to convince myself it wasn't real. Even when I realized how absurd the doll clothes project was, I still wondered if I was obligated to go and chaparone the kids in DC. The fact that all my kids are in college should have been the big tip off that it was just a crazy dream, lol . . . .
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Re: Dreams

Postby Bether6074 » Fri Sep 18, 2009 1:29 pm

justTripn wrote:OK, in this one, maybe I was dreaming I was T'Poptarts. I dreamed that my kids were going on a school field trip to Washington D.C. and for the arts and crafts component of this trip, I was going to show the kids how to make doll clothes. Never mind that I don't know the first thing about making doll clothes. (They needed T'Poptarts) With the day quickly approaching, I began to worry about this. I was imagining everyone with a needle in their hand. Then wondered if I should borrow a sewing machine. Realized I had no materials. I was still telling myself, I have one more day to pull this all together, then I asked my son P., "When are you guys leaving on the trip?" He says with a big smile, "This morning!" Of course I panic and wake up, and despite how absurd this dream was it took me forever to convince myself it wasn't real. Even when I realized how absurd the doll clothes project was, I still wondered if I was obligated to go and chaparone the kids in DC. The fact that all my kids are in college should have been the big tip off that it was just a crazy dream, lol . . . .

It sounds to me like you are fretting over that deadline. Or is that done now?

And maybe thinking about little girls and the younger aspect of yourself...

I wonder what the sewing might symbolize? Maybe trying to put something back together? Hmm...

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Re: Dreams

Postby justTripn » Sat Sep 19, 2009 4:31 pm

Other than the fact that I am in real life a horrible procrastinator, I have no idea what brought this on. Sewing doll clothes? ???? :roll:
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Re: Dreams

Postby Alelou » Sat Sep 19, 2009 6:06 pm

Maybe doll clothes because your babies have left home...

I'm a little surprised I haven't had any horrible teaching dreams, that I remember anyway. First time around I used to have real doozies. I can still remember them, all these years later...
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