Article on Fan Fiction from Time Magazine

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Re: Article on Fan Fiction from Time Magazine

Postby Asso » Sun Jul 10, 2011 2:13 pm

I was often accused to grasp in the characters of our beloved personages traits that - if developed, as I tend to do - bring them to be distant from the common and normal perception that people have usually of them.

To this criticism I have always answered that what particularly interests me is consistency and credibility, rather than adherence. A small, infinitesimal trait - that intrigues me and fascinates me, which I like, that makes really me feel our heroes as mine - is what's enough for me and what I seek.

But I never tried to develop and to give credibility and coherence to things that do not exist.

This simple fact - regardless of the type of story itself - is shameful and outrageous, designed and intended solely for the express and pursued purpose to degrade - deliberately - the characters.

And I have absolutely no fear to say this aloud.
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Re: Article on Fan Fiction from Time Magazine

Postby justTripn » Sun Jul 10, 2011 3:35 pm

My original attraction to fanfiction was I needed "more Star Trek" and there was none on TV. And Star Trekkie-ness for me is sacrificed when the the main point of the story is just to be sexually arousing: PWP (porn without plot, or plot? what plot?)

BUT, I have read my share of stories like that--about Trip and T'Pol, but also about Trip and Malcolm and Trip and Archer--so I should just shut up.

But playing Devil's advocate here, over at HoT, it was often remarked that Trip had chemistry with everyone in the room. That chemistry served as the spark for the stories people wrote, including the slash. If you want to see "chemistry" between Trip and Archer, check out "Dessert Crossing." So if all you need is to see a spark to expand on, there it is for the Trip/Archers.
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Re: Article on Fan Fiction from Time Magazine

Postby Cogito » Sun Jul 10, 2011 3:42 pm

The issue of mixed species relationships (and by association, the issue of mixed race relationships in the real world) is a non-issue for me. England has been invaded so may times in the past, and has had such a high immigration rate over the last few decades, that mixed race relationships are a completely normal fact of life. I find it difficult and rather disconcerting to try to imagine a time when that wasn't the case. The only extent to which the issue of Trip and T'Pol being of different species impacts me is in the fact they'd be unable to have children (easily hand-waved away), and as a way to show prejudices against them, and how they deal with them.

I don't know how you'd define a line between what stories people should and shouldn't write. I suppose each writer and each reader must decide that for themselves.

I guess the legal issues are obvious but I don't think they have any impact on this corner of the fanfic world.

There is an element of respect for other authors. I think that if you respect an author, you shouldn't use their inventions in ways likely to upset them.

I don't know how much weight writers do/should give to the wishes of their readers, but as a reader who has an emotional investment in the characters that I read about, I find it unpleasant to have those characters distorted away from the way I view them. This is why I find MU stories so hard to get into. I don't enjoy reading about versions of my favorite characters who are substantially different from the ones I know. I don't object to these stories existing, but they aren't stories that I enjoy reading. I feel about these the same way that I do about non-Ent stories. It's a waste of time and effort. Meaning, in a purely selfish sense, that if the author had spent that time and effort writing the type of story I want to read, then I would have been pleased to read it. As it is, I've gained nothing from them.

Finally, I don't like reading about gay sex scenes. I find it unpleasant, in the same way I don't like watching horror films or graphic videos of people in surgery or stories about unredeemed angst. If I encounter this in a story it detracts from my enjoyment of the story and usually makes me wish I hadn't read it. On the other hand, a well written story can cheer me up and brighten up my day. And that's why I read and watch science fiction. I don't do it because I want to push the limits of my comfort zone, I do it because I enjoy doing it. Isn't that why we're all here?
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Re: Article on Fan Fiction from Time Magazine

Postby Asso » Sun Jul 10, 2011 3:54 pm

justTripn wrote:But playing Devil's advocate here, over at HoT, it was often remarked that Trip had chemistry with everyone in the room. That chemistry served as the spark for the stories people wrote, including the slash. If you want to see "chemistry" between Trip and Archer, check out "Dessert Crossing." So if all you need is to see a spark to expand on, there it is for the Trip/Archers.

Really? Well, take my words for what they are worth, but I see a little not exactly innocent naughtiness in this.
Well yes. I continue to write. And on Fanfiction.Net, for those who want, it is possible to cast a glance at my latest efforts. We arrived to
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Re: Article on Fan Fiction from Time Magazine

Postby Distracted » Sun Jul 10, 2011 5:24 pm

Slash fiction and homosexuality in general are tricky topics, but there's no reason to get angry over misperceptions. Not everyone is well-informed concerning the psychology of sexual attraction. It's a fairly common public misperception that the average male homosexual preys on young boys. It's not true, of course, any more than one could say that the average Catholic priest does so... or that the average middle aged male enjoys hitting on pre-teen girls, for that matter.

It's possible to educate without taking things personally. But because this is such a controversial topic about which people tend to hold firm and sometimes diametrically opposing viewpoints, I'm thinking we should probably just drop the subject now and move on to other things.
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Re: Article on Fan Fiction from Time Magazine

Postby Asso » Sun Jul 10, 2011 6:31 pm

Distracted wrote:... It's possible to educate without taking things personally. But because this is such a controversial topic about which people tend to hold firm and sometimes diametrically opposing viewpoints, I'm thinking we should probably just drop the subject now and move on to other things.

I agree. However I would like to express a final observation. It is clear that a subject like this can only provoke strong reactions, because it is inevitably connected with the way of being and thinking - with the background: unmovable, even if flexible and modifiable, for some aspect - of each of us.

But it must be clear that my opinions do not concern nor homosexuals, nor what is written by whoever wants to write whatever. I think in all honesty, it is hardly possible to find someone more liberal and open than me, in regard to matters of this kind.
However, with equal force, I say that my sensibility hardly deceives me about the intentions and the purposes of people.

Including the writers.

A few words to the wise is. Or, if you prefer: a word is enough to the wise.

And with that, end of the broadcast about this subject.
At least for me, at least here, in this thread.
Well yes. I continue to write. And on Fanfiction.Net, for those who want, it is possible to cast a glance at my latest efforts. We arrived to
The Ears of the Elves, chapter Forty-four

And here is the beginning of the whole story.

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Re: Article on Fan Fiction from Time Magazine

Postby Snorpenbass » Sun Jul 10, 2011 8:17 pm

Me, I don't like slash, for either gender. Not because I have anything against homosexuality or any other forms of consensual human sexuality (key word being "consensual") outside of the so-called "norm", but mainly because as mentioned by others here, it does a disservice to the characters by portraying them in a way that is clearly only based on a specific preference of the writer. Now, do I hate it? No. I simply don't read it. Much like I refuse to read a story in which a character who is blatantly non-heterosexual in canon is suddenly portrayed as "just didn't find the right man/woman". It's kind of insulting, seeing as sexuality is, in general, not something anyone chooses. I sure didn't choose to find the female body arousing, but there you go. ;-)

Chickenhawks was a problem in olden days, but mainly because society was even more close-mouthed about pedophilia and rape back then, shaming the victims and, yes, putting perpetrators of such crimes in the same group as people who wouldn't do such things if their lives depended on it. The actions of a very small group of few often got negative attention aimed at large groups of men and women who would never ever hurt a child, simply because it was the common belief of many that a pedophile was the same as a gay person. In fact, you often see that sentiment brought out in modern times, often by people against gay marriage. To them, being invariably somewhat less than knowledgeable about such things and often going off the self-interested words of some demagogue out to spread hatred fr the sake of gaining power for themselves, it's exactly the same as pedophiles being allowed to marry small children.

Fact is, studies show that the majority of pedophiles go for the opposite gender, or don't choose by gender at all (as in, prey on both). Purely homosexual pedophiles are actually the rarest of them all. There's probably someone better able to Google up the studies than me, but they're out there for some reading that's, in a way, both depressing in the implications but also hopeful in that they're not quite the gigantic problem certain groups wish to claim they are.

...leaving that somewhat sad topic to be dropped as suggested, I find that the steamier side of fanfiction usually doesn't appeal to me mainly because I like plots and dialogue. I don't mind the occasional sex scene, I just have the mentality of needing a reason for it, not just a brief in'n'out depiction. Now, the steamier fanfics with longer plots (and grammar and clear evidence the writer at least knows which part goes where) I do not mind at all... 8)

Now if you'll excuse me I'm going right back to tending to my summer cold... :explode:

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Re: Article on Fan Fiction from Time Magazine

Postby Silverbullet » Sun Jul 10, 2011 9:13 pm

Snorenbass, excellent post. Well expressed. It does point up the difference between now and 50-60 years ago. Different world then one which none of you know.

It is surpsing how few people who have any idea of what goes on around them in the seamier under the rocks world.

Today what burns me are the amount of child kiillings. By a boryfriend who is baby sitting his girlfriends child while she is at work... Child starts crying he tries to get the child to stop but only causes the child to cries louder. He gets mad and hits the child repeatedly. Child stops brathhing and when th death is invetigage claims the child fell. Lots of that in my area. Also the amount of child drownings becaue the parent didn't protect the child.

As for the other thing that was traumatic, very. As Snorenbass said it was something not talked about so young children had no idea that those types were around. Something like at a young age can stay with a person for a log time the impression is deep and shatering.

Let go on to more cheeful things. Like it being hotter than the huubs of Hell in Arizona

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Re: Article on Fan Fiction from Time Magazine

Postby putaro » Mon Jul 11, 2011 12:57 am

This was supposed to be a happy topic! It's a nice little article about fan fiction, why people do it, etc. It mentions slash but it's not all about slash.

If everyone didn't have to pop up and wave their little banners of "I Hate Slash" and "Look at me, I'm not gay!" this could have been a nice thread.

And there was absolutely no need to talk about pedophilia or kids being killed - you brought those to the party SB. It's completely off-topic.

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Re: Article on Fan Fiction from Time Magazine

Postby marchale » Mon Jul 11, 2011 2:04 am

putaro wrote:This was supposed to be a happy topic! It's a nice little article about fan fiction, why people do it, etc. It mentions slash but it's not all about slash.

If everyone didn't have to pop up and wave their little banners of "I Hate Slash" and "Look at me, I'm not gay!" this could have been a nice thread.

And there was absolutely no need to talk about pedophilia or kids being killed - you brought those to the party SB. It's completely off-topic.

I'm sorry! :oops:
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Re: Article on Fan Fiction from Time Magazine

Postby Silverbullet » Mon Jul 11, 2011 2:27 am

Putaro, me too.

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Re: Article on Fan Fiction from Time Magazine

Postby Transwarp » Mon Jul 11, 2011 8:58 am

Thank you for your apologies, March and SB. When you stated your opinions on this forum, I know your intent was not to offend, yet when you realized your words had done so, you did the right thing and apologized.

Personally, I think there is way too much 'taking offense' going on in the world today. I hold many opinions and beliefs that I have formed over the years, based on life experience and conscious reflection. However, I recognize that many people do not share my beliefs. I understand this and have accepted it. When someone states a belief that is contrary to mine, I do not get angry or offended. I am willing to engage in a rational discussion, to explain what I believe and why I believe it, and ask them to do the same for their beliefs. There is little point in taking offense at beliefs different from your own.

There is not always time or a proper forum for such a dialogue, so most of the time I ignore differing views, but occasionally I just can't let it go. [Ask Silver Bullet if this is so; he will sometimes make a seemingly outrageous claim, such as enlisted submariners in the US Navy in WW2 were not allowed to get awards. Five minutes on google was all I needed to refute that.] In this thread, SB implied that 'gay' equals 'pedophile.' I suspect the reason he said that is because he BELIEVES it. Instead of "I'm offended," wouldn't a better response be "You are wrong and here are some statistics to prove it?"

To quote Distracted: "It's possible to educate without taking things personally."

I would go a step further, and say it's PREFERABLE to educate without taking things personally. That this is no longer the default approach in modern society is NOT a good thing. Have the strength of your convictions! Instead of being offended, be willing to stand up and defend your beliefs. If you can't support them, if you don't know WHY you believe them (other than 'everybody does'), then it's just possible that, in addition to being offended, you might also be *wrong*.

And finally, this statement deserves comment:
putaro wrote:If everyone didn't have to pop up and wave their little banners of "I Hate Slash" and "Look at me, I'm not gay!" this could have been a nice thread.

I think it could have been a nice thread anyway, but once the 'I'm offended' card is played, debate is effectively shut down. It basically means: 'Your beliefs have no merit and no possible justification. They are morally inferior to mine, therefore you must shut up now.'

There is no rational response to that.

(Incidentally, I had to chuckle at the reference to waving banners; All I could see is a little banner popping up saying "Look at me, I'm not a homophobe!")

I am absolutely certain some will be offended by these words, but if it causes just ONE person who reads them to be more tolerant of differing beliefs, or to re-examine their own beliefs, it will have been worthwhile.


Last edited by Transwarp on Mon Jul 11, 2011 2:32 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Article on Fan Fiction from Time Magazine

Postby WarpGirl » Mon Jul 11, 2011 10:12 am

It's 5am and I have to fry chicken on my vacation, so I don't know what I'm doing here... All I have to say is some Surak might be appropriate here... There is no offense where none is taken. Unfortunately humans aren't built that way. We're imperfect and we usually automatically think we're always right. But guys this site has been losing so many people I don't want it to end up like the KOTOR site. At least that place died because we ran out of arguements!
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Re: Article on Fan Fiction from Time Magazine

Postby marchale » Mon Jul 11, 2011 10:37 am

Transwarp wrote:Thank you for your apologies, March and SB. When you stated your opinions on this forum, I know your intent was not to offend, yet when you realized your words had done so, you did the right thing and apologized.

Personally, I think there is way too much 'taking offense' going on in the world today. I hold many opinions and beliefs that I have formed over the years, based on life experience and conscious reflection. However, I recognize that many people do not share my beliefs. I understand this and have excepted it. When someone states a belief that is contrary to mine, I do not get angry or offended. I am willing to engage in a rational discussion, to explain what I believe and why I believe it, and ask them to do the same for their beliefs. There is little point in taking offense at beliefs different from your own.

There is not always time or a proper forum for such a dialogue, so most of the time I ignore differing views, but occasionally I just can't let it go. [Ask Silver Bullet if this is so; he will sometimes make a seemingly outrageous claim, such as enlisted submariners in the US Navy in WW2 were not allowed to get awards. Five minutes on google was all I needed to refute that.] In this thread, SB implied that 'gay' equals 'pedophile.' I suspect the reason he said that is because he BELIEVES it. Instead of "I'm offended," wouldn't a better response be "You are wrong and here are some statistics to prove it?"

To quote Distracted: "It's possible to educate without taking things personally."

I would go a step further, and say it's PREFERABLE to educate without taking things personally. That this is no longer the default approach in modern society is NOT a good thing. Have the strength of your convictions! Instead of being offended, be willing to stand up and defend your beliefs. If you can't support them, if you don't know WHY you believe them (other than 'everybody does'), then it's just possible that, in addition to being offended, you might also be *wrong*.

And finally, this statement deserves comment:
putaro wrote:If everyone didn't have to pop up and wave their little banners of "I Hate Slash" and "Look at me, I'm not gay!" this could have been a nice thread.

I think it could have been a nice thread anyway, but once the 'I'm offended' card is played, debate is effectively shut down. It basically means: 'Your beliefs have no merit and no possible justification. They are morally inferior to mine, therefore you must shut up now.'

There is no rational response to that.

(Incidentally, I had to chuckle at the reference to waving banners; All I could see is a little banner popping up saying "Look at me, I'm not a homophobe!")

I am absolutely certain some will be offended by these words, but if it causes just ONE person who reads them to be more tolerant of differing beliefs, or to re-examine their own beliefs, it will have been worthwhile.



Well, I feel bad (and apologize too) if I did a poor job in explaining why I felt as I do. I had a close friend who was gay and I thought by saying that folks would realize I meant no disrespect towards their preference even though I didn't agree with it; and I don't have any animosity towards slash writers/readers either. I have a personal opinion that it's not fair or right to make a straight character gay in a story (because its not an honest portrayal of them) and I didn't think it was a nice thing for the writer to do - but I did state that this was just strictly my opinion and that I didn't mean that as any offense to those who disagreed with me. Anyway, I apologize if anyone took that the wrong way. But I totally agree with you about how we should be tolerant of differing beliefs (even if we strongly disagree with them). Sorry if I didn't think there was anything wrong with what I thought was jumping into a lively debate here. What can I say, I'm a former philosophy student who loves a good argument or lively debate, but I did not mean it as any harm towards those who disagreed with my personal opinion - I thought the whole point of this discussion (or any other discussion here) was to give our personal opinions and explain why we felt the way we did. But I apologize if anyone took offense to that. I think everyone's entitled to their own opinion (and that everyone should respect everyone else's opinion too, whether they agree with it or not). Anyway, I'm sorry if I said anything that offended anyone, I didn't mean it that way - like I said before, to each their own.
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Re: Article on Fan Fiction from Time Magazine

Postby Asso » Mon Jul 11, 2011 11:50 am

It's weird. Why would anyone feel offended?
Even when things are said in a harsh way, this doesn't mean that they must considered offensive.

Of course, if you tell me: you're an idiot, then I may feel offended.

But if you tell me one thing - even harsh and even contrary to my own being - why should I feel offended? It's possible - in some case - that I may feel insulted or outraged (which is something completely different, at least for me and in Italian language - and I do not think that in this context, it happened something like that), but offended, frankly no.

And maybe it is true that we are a little off topic, but the discussion is good, right?
Debating is fine, and you can almost never prevent the ideas from coming the one after the other, regardless of the specific topic.

But, in my opinion, this is good, is enriching.
Well yes. I continue to write. And on Fanfiction.Net, for those who want, it is possible to cast a glance at my latest efforts. We arrived to
The Ears of the Elves, chapter Forty-four

And here is the beginning of the whole story.

But, I must say, you could also find something else on written by me. If you want.

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