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Re: Stargate Universe, anyone?

Posted: Tue Oct 27, 2009 2:18 pm
by Aquarius
I finally got to watch the latest episode last night. I like the little insights we're getting into Greer's character. So far he's captured my attention the most.

Yeah, the flying into the sun thing was a little predictable, but then I reminded myself, to the characters, only about a day passes on each episode, so they haven't had a whole week between situations to think about it like we have in between events. Something the writers might want to start keeping in mind.

As for Eli and the senator's daughter, unrequited love has always been a popular theme in fiction and always will be. If they handle it right it can be a good source of dramatic tension; if not, it'll be a cliche.

Re: Stargate Universe, anyone?

Posted: Tue Oct 27, 2009 7:22 pm
by TPoptarts
Actually the week between episodes isn't what made it predictable for me, not that I'd be thinking about SGU between episodes anyway (I'm too busy thinking about Justice League all the time :p :roll: ) so it really didn't contribute to the predictability of the episode arc, for me anyway. Because like ever since the beginning I was just thinking like "okay dude you're out of power, and you're in outer space. Like why don't you go find a sun or something!!" Well and wouldn't you know it, they actually did... took them forever, but they did. :roll: Now let's see how many episodes they're gonna waste looking for food before they realize the ship has replicators and live stock in the cargo bay :p

Re: Stargate Universe, anyone?

Posted: Wed Oct 28, 2009 3:21 am
by WarpGirl
I'm really glad I'm not bothering with this one. No SG magic and predictability? No thank you!

Re: Stargate Universe, anyone?

Posted: Sat Mar 06, 2010 7:38 pm
by Kevin Thomas Riley
They've just started to air SGU over here and today I watched the 2-hour pilot. It was all right, but nothing Earth-shattering. I liked the darker, grittier feel of it even if it comes off as trying to do a Stargate does VOY/DS9 thing. But I liked the design of the Destiny.

Apart from Carlyle none in the cast really stood out, except maybe that Eli geek guy. Carlyle was good and will probably be the one who'll carry this show for me. Eli seems to be some geek-wish-fulfilment character and something of a Gary Stu for a certain part of the viewing audience. I mean, what geeky gamer wouldn't want to play a game and then be told he has skills that will whisk him off into outer space.

As for most of the rest of the cast, I had trouble picking them out in the dark. Who's a main character and who's a guest star?

I wasn't surprised that the Senator sacrificed himself. It was written all over him when we learned he had little chance of surviving.

I thought Ming-Na would have a bigger part, but I guess that will come later. And wasn't Lou Diamond Phillips supposed to be a main character? He isn't even on the ship.

Re: Stargate Universe, anyone?

Posted: Sun Mar 07, 2010 1:30 am
by Distracted
He'll get there. They've got some funky body-switching technology.

Re: Stargate Universe, anyone?

Posted: Sat Mar 20, 2010 6:26 pm
by Kevin Thomas Riley
I saw the fourth episode Darkness today and I quite liked it. I may come to enjoy this show more than I previously thought.

The nerdy guy, Eli, and the senator's daughter, Chloe, looks like they could be a cute couple. But then I saw a promo pic with her and that young LT guy and thought noooo, not another stupid triangle/will they, won't they plot.

Then there was this female LT (Vanessa something?) that looked great in a tank top and hot pants! :drool: Hope she sticks around, even if she's not in the main cast.

Re: Stargate Universe, anyone?

Posted: Sat Mar 20, 2010 7:29 pm
by crystalswolf
I saw the preview clips and thought I recognized Rhona Mitra (Underworld 3). She is in it! Personally, I wished Chloe would have been the one to sacrifice herself instead of her father. she's constantly crying out "Eli" in a whiny voice and doesn't seem to have any purpose but to lead the poor boy on while enticing Mr. (I guess to someone in the universe) Perfect. For the most part I like the show, especially the darkest part where they left Rush behind. But they need to tighten some storylines by giving their characters purpose for taking up their air.

Re: Stargate Universe, anyone?

Posted: Fri Apr 23, 2010 10:30 pm
by Kevin Thomas Riley
I've now seen the first nine episodes and I have discovered what I don't like about this show - those ancient communication stones. Gah, what a cop-out, just so that the stranded crew can "go back" to Earth (sort of) from time to time. I'd have preferred that they were really, really lost out there. And the way they are shown as themselves (most of the time, anyway) even if they are in different bodies, is just confusing. So I hope they will get rid of those stones.

And I didn't like the episode Time. It was obvious that it would be a reset button when Chloe got killed, and then another reset when Lt James died. And then they didn't even show the final reset. The episode just ended and it was assumed. What a waste.

But some of the chicks have warmed up to me, not just the busty lieutenant. Chloe (Elyse Levesque) is actually pretty cute, and Lt Johansen (Alaina Huffman) is not bad looking. Chloe's character has also got some development, but I'm afraid I can't say the same for Johansen.

Re: Stargate Universe, anyone?

Posted: Thu Apr 29, 2010 4:44 pm
by ginamr
Between this and SG-1, I've officially turned my fiance into a Stargate geek! :lol: He loves it. He even wants to go with me to a convention to meet Richard Dean Anderson. :-p I'm a Michael Shanks fanatic myself. Though there's a fine line...I think I may know more about the character than the man I guess I'm more of a Michael Shanks as Daniel Jackson fanatic. :drool: :lol: The character of Daniel Jackson goes from geek to sassy and sexy in no time flat. Shanks did a great job portraying Daniel. :loveeyes:

Re: Stargate Universe, anyone?

Posted: Sat May 01, 2010 7:23 pm
by WarpGirl
Oh AGREED! :loveeyes: :loveeyes: :loveeyes: :loveeyes: :loveeyes: :loveeyes: :loveeyes: :loveeyes:

Re: Stargate Universe, anyone?

Posted: Sat May 01, 2010 11:27 pm
by Aquarius
I hear that Shanks is kind of a jerk IRL. Some of the artists who go to Media West were kind of "in" with him for a while, but I understand it went sour due to him being a prima donna.

Re: Stargate Universe, anyone?

Posted: Sat May 08, 2010 1:19 pm
by crystalswolf
Okay, last night's episode was a very interesting rollercoaster ride for me.
I was completely disgusted with Mr. (Not) Perfect, Miss "Eli!" Chloe, and Eli returning the way they did. Although I wasn't looking forward to Triangle concentrate, I was looking forward to some angst about the situation.

I did, however, LOVE the storyline where Amanda appreciated the experience with a functional body while Camile experienced Amanda's restrictions (I especially loved how she seemed a little more than shaken from the whole experience after returning to Destiny). I found it very touching and I even felt bad for Rush in all of this. Eli's reaction was great though "Rush?"

There was one situation that I was torn by. When it seemed as though Rush and Amanda might have sex, a possible storyline popped into my head. As many hookups as there have been, I'm sure the amount of birth control is low if any available at all. How would Camile, a lesbian in a strong, long term relationship feel about not only having her body used that way but pregnant with Rush's kid. I think this would have made a better, more complex pregnancy story than the one they have now, but since they already have the doctor pregnant, an added one would only seem soap opera-ish.

On the other hand, would it be realistic to believe only one person under their circumstances would become pregnant? Therefore, I'm torn.

Re: Stargate Universe, anyone?

Posted: Sun Jun 13, 2010 5:20 pm
by Kevin Thomas Riley

Re: Stargate Universe, anyone?

Posted: Sat Jul 17, 2010 3:16 pm
by Kevin Thomas Riley

Re: Stargate Universe, anyone?

Posted: Tue Jul 20, 2010 5:27 pm
by EntAllat
Weighing in!

SGU took a few episodes to grow on me but I have to admit that I really like it now and I'm looking forward to more. My favorite characters are Eli (the nerd) and Greer (the black military guy) and Rush (the scientist)> The latter is one of those complex, you love-to-hate-him-but-sometimes-hes-infuriatingly-right kind of guys.

I really like the fact that most of the first season dealt with the basics of survival for the group: water, food, understanding the ship itself, personality and professional conflicts, the way people deal with (or didn't) loneliness and depression. There's been a lot of emphasis on character development in this show. There's a lot of interesting stuff for the writers to work with.