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Re: Fall Colors and stuff

Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2012 3:39 pm
by Alelou
I have lived in Washington -- in Bellevue, outside Seattle, when my dad worked at the Seattle Tribune. It was memorable even for a four-year-old because it was such a switch from Florida -- first snow I ever saw, first mountains (other than the ones we had to cross to get there), first rocky river to eat lunch in the middle of (Florida rivers have sandy banks), first boulders, first giant slugs, first earthquake. We used to drive up into the Cascades, and we used to take a ferry across to some island. I actually remember the area very fondly. I wish it wasn't such a long haul away.

Re: Fall Colors and stuff

Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2012 4:08 pm
by Weeble

Michigan has always been called the water winter wonderland. There isn't anyplace better for the great outdoors because it is all so accessible. our temps tend to be moderate because of the great lakes. Did I mention there's lots of fishing. :mrgreen:

My neighbor loves bird hunting and knocked a couple partridge down on the back or my property last Sat. The fun with visitors is watching them stare at our clear rivers. They're just not used to it. Most of our rivers and streams are fed by ground water not runoff. Keeps 'em cooler and the trout like that..... Anyway more picks next week.

Re: Fall Colors and stuff

Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2012 5:14 pm
by Silverbullet
Weebie, one can Snow ski in the morning and then water ski in the afternoon in the Seattle area. Don't need a wet suit to water ki either.

Lord only knows how many rivers there are in the western half of the state. within the city of Sattle there are five lakes the largest, Lake Washington is several miles around.Green lake is about a mile around (at one time it was stocked with trout) Lake Union is about a mile around. Two smaller lakes have names I don't remember. Then just alongside Seattle there is Puget Sound. Large body of Salt Water. in the Early 40's people fished in Eliot Bay which was right down town. Caught Kings, hook nose, Steelies, etc

I can still remmember the fish runs up the dwamish river in the mid 40's.Damned river is so polluted now that he runs have stopped.

Rain, lots of Rain. In buckets.

You gotta love water to live in Western Washington.


Re: Fall Colors and stuff

Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2012 5:19 pm
by Silverbullet
Alelou, Seattle Tribune? Never heard of it. there had been three newspapers in Seattle at one time: the Times, The Post Intelligencer, the Star. But no Tribune. Was it in Tacoma? there is a Tribune there.


Re: Fall Colors and stuff

Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2012 9:32 pm
by Alelou
Guess there's SOMETHING I didn't remember well as a four-year-old. Whatever the major morning paper was in Seattle. The Times? Apparently he quickly realized they only promoted anyone when someone died, so they returned to Florida.

Re: Fall Colors and stuff

Posted: Sun Oct 14, 2012 1:02 am
by Silverbullet
Morning paper was the P.I. Times was the afternoon paper.

The Star didn't last that long. They couldn't compete.

These days both the times and the P.I. are just hanging on by combining operations.

I actually prefer newspapers. Damned T.V. just gives sound bites and very little news.


Re: Fall Colors and stuff

Posted: Sun Oct 14, 2012 12:44 pm
by Alelou
I'll have to ask my Dad. I couldn't agree more about the superiority of newspapers over TV, although some papers have trimmed their editorial staffs so viciously in recent years that they're not that much better. And then they wonder why their circulation drops even more.

Re: Fall Colors and stuff

Posted: Sun Oct 14, 2012 1:19 pm
by Silverbullet
About the only sections I read any more is the sports, Letters to the editor, the comics (such as they are) and the front section.

Comics used to be worthwhile but these days the only ones that I look at is Hagar the Horrible, B.C. wizard of ID and peanuts.

Gone are the good ones lIke Dick Tracy, Terry and the Pirates, smiling Jack, and other adventure strips. Sunday there was Prince Valient. Great drawings. Sigh.

Terry and the Pirates had one of the all time great female characters: The Dragon Lady. She was very beautiful and very deadly.


Re: Fall Colors and stuff

Posted: Sun Oct 14, 2012 4:23 pm
by Asso
Silverbullet wrote:Sunday there was Prince Valient. Great drawings. Sigh.

Ah, Prince Valiant!





And Rip Kirby, do we want to talk about him?


Ah, I forgot.
For Rip Kirby, one female is not enough.

The blonde or the brunette?


Re: Fall Colors and stuff

Posted: Sun Oct 14, 2012 5:34 pm
by Weeble
Thanks for the memories Asso!!!

I liked Calvin and Hobbes, BC, and Peanuts (something about dark and stormy nights)....oh and the Lockhorns

Re: Fall Colors and stuff

Posted: Sun Oct 14, 2012 6:00 pm
by Asso
Weeble wrote:Thanks for the memories Asso!!!

You're welcome!


Re: Fall Colors and stuff

Posted: Sun Oct 14, 2012 8:22 pm
by Silverbullet
Actually, Prince Valient was far better drawn when it was just Hal Foster. the panels looked like oil paintings. Beautiful. These look to lush.

Thanks anyway, I liked Val very much.

Try looking up the Dragon Lady. you will find she is very interesting.


Re: Fall Colors and stuff

Posted: Sun Oct 14, 2012 9:20 pm
by Asso
Silverbullet wrote:Try looking up the Dragon Lady. you will find she is very interesting.

I'm more than convinced. :badgrin:


Re: Fall Colors and stuff

Posted: Sun Oct 14, 2012 9:58 pm
by Alelou

Is this generational, possibly? I did read Prince Valiant religiously as a kid. I never even look at the comics now. To me that's just the page that has Dear Abby on it (I still read that). But my parents, who can be quite stuffy about popular culture, ALWAYS read the comics.

Re: Fall Colors and stuff

Posted: Mon Oct 15, 2012 1:32 am
by Silverbullet
Alelou, some of those old comics added to the American Culture.e.g. "Lil Abner"

That strip gave the college students Sadie Hawkins day dances.

SAdie hawkins was a plain girl, to be kind, Her father despared of getting her a husband. So he started a race.. The men were given a five minute head start and then the women ran after them. any woman who could drag a man over the line got to marry him even if the man objected. So saide got a husband and the race lived on.

Every year the race was ran in te comic Lil Abner. Abner was strong but dumb. Daisy Mae said he is a Lout but I love him. She always just missed getting him over the line before the sun down.

There were great character in the strip. moonbeam Mcswine who liked to sit in a Pig sty. Her cloest friends were Hogs the dirtier the better.

Harlesss Joe (who, needless to say, was covered with hiar and his partner Lonesome Ploecat. they brewred Kickapo Jooy Juice. If they thought it did not have enough body they would thow in another (dead) body.

Mammy and Pappy Yoikum.Mammy was the leader of Dogpatch sassiety since she could lick anyone in Dogpatch. she once fogught a woman who was built like an NFL lineman. Mammy hit her once and the woman went down. Mammy put her ear to the womans chest "Still breathing, I must have lost my touch"

Pappy yokum favorite meal was turnips Au Gratin.

Too many to go in to.