The Whine thread.

Just what it says on the tin.

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Re: The Whine thread.

Postby Escriba » Sun Feb 08, 2009 10:40 pm

Awful, awful, awful, Pitseleh, the two situations. So Arquitecture teachers being bastards is a universal law, good to know it :)

I don't know the technical words in English (so Alelou's explanation serves all right), but yes, there is a difference being stolen using violence or without using it.

For myself, never being robbed or mugged, in that I've been lucky.

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Re: The Whine thread.

Postby enterprikayak » Sun Feb 08, 2009 11:55 pm

Yikes! How freaking scary!!!!!

Good on you for remaining calm and just giving him your money. $40 vs. your life/health is a pretty good deal.

But wow. SO freaky.

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Re: The Whine thread.

Postby CX » Mon Feb 09, 2009 7:12 pm

North Dakota sucks. As if the usual sub-zero temps weren't bad enough, every once in a while we get a warm spell to tease us, but this being North Dakota, she had to find a way to make sure we couldn't enjoy it, and in this case if rained last night, and then got just cold enough to freeze it all. Yeah, it was work just standing up, let alone trying to walk to class, which took me 30 minutes for a two block walk. Naturally classes weren't canceled or anything... I swear to God that if I fall on my ass and hurt myself that I'm going to sue the school, either for failing to call off classes for the safety of its students and faculty, or for failing to maintain its sidewalks (which honestly would be impossible, but hey, if they have classes...). :mad:

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Re: The Whine thread.

Postby Alelou » Mon Feb 09, 2009 9:39 pm

You need to invest in a pair of yak trax.

Of course, the one day so far I desperately needed them I couldn't find the damned things. My husband had made off with them. Who knows where HIS pair is. We'll probably find them in the spring.
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Re: The Whine thread.

Postby enterprikayak » Tue Feb 10, 2009 12:07 am

[ RANT ]

So (in the hospital still) I got no sleep last night. Didn't drift off till about 4 am on this stupid hard foldout bed.

Finally, FINALLY I fall asleep. Sweet sweet Jesus.

And then the next thing I know, the paediatrician is all in my face: "Sorry to wake you, but Abby's doing really well." Great. So glad you woke me up with that vitally emergent news. I smile and nod vaguely and pass out.

NEXT thing I know, some moron slams her way into the room and starts NOISILY gathering trash bags and LOUDLY CRUNCHING paper wrappers off of paper towels and crashing around in the bathroom. I grit my teeth until it becomes ridiculous and then I finally lift my head and in a voice as gravelly as death itself, ask, y'know, could you maybe come back in a bit and do that later? She stares at me as if I have suggested that she go and pick me up a box of fresh petit fours from the bakery... and says in a huff, "I am rePLACING your PAPER products. I'll be done in a MINute."

Cause Heaven forbid I not have my PAPER products all stocked up at 730 am, right?

I lay my head back down in defeat. Four minutes later, a nurse comes in and starts hauling the peacfully sleeping abby out of her blanket to check her temperature. I look up at her with bleary eyes and (trying to keep the beeyatch out of my tone) I ask if she could maybe PLEASE put a do not disturb sign on my door so I could get just a few minutes PEACE from the parade of ever-so-helpful professionals trying their best to wake the baby and I. PLEASE.

No problem she says. I collapse gratefully back into sleep.

For two minutes.

THEN the excessively nice and cheerful student doctor BREEZES thru the door, "HELLO! How's everyone DOING today??!!" Too cheerful and breezy to see the sign, apparently. I mention the sign in an ever-shortening tone. Do not disturbmuch? "OH! " He says. "OH, SORRY! OH! THERE's THE SIGN! I MISSED IT!" Yeah, just keep shouting those apologies, Doctor. Thanks.

He leaves.

I put my head down.

Abigail wakes and starts to scream. I grit my teeth, curse the cheerful, friendly young student, and haul myself off this CRAP COT to pat her robotically on the head. Finally, FINALLY she drifts off again.

I creep to my cot, as tensed for sound as if listening for an attacker in a dark alley. I slide ever so gently onto said CRAP cot. I lay my head down.

I close my eyes.


Abby's O2 monitor is erroneously going off cause her foot is kicking a little and creasing the thin wire attached to her toe. I put my head under the covers and try not to scream or cry. I wait for a nurse to come in and check the blaring monitor that is claiming Abby has no oxygen. Nobody hears it. There's a shift change going on and they are all chatting to one another at the nurses' station. BEE-BEE-BEEEEEEEP... BEE-BEEEEEEP! BEE-BEE-BEEEEEEEP... BEE-BEEEEEEP!BEE-BEE-BEEEEEEEP... BEE-BEEEEEEP! BEE-BEE-BEEEEEEEP... BEE-BEEEEEEP!BEE-BEE-BEEEEEEEP... BEE-BEEEEEEP! BEE-BEE-BEEEEEEEP... BEE-BEEEEEEP!BEE-BEE-BEEEEEEEP... BEE-BEEEEEEP! BEE-BEE-BEEEEEEEP... BEE-BEEEEEEP!BEE-BEE-BEEEEEEEP... BEE-BEEEEEEP! BEE-BEE-BEEEEEEEP... BEE-BEEEEEEP!BEE-BEE-BEEEEEEEP... BEE-BEEEEEEP! BEE-BEE-BEEEEEEEP... BEE-BEEEEEEP!

I pick up the O2 monitor and smash it through the window. I jump 3 stories to the ground and run into the woods, where I crawl into a rotting log and attempt to bite myself to death.

Okay, so the last paragraph was fake. But the rest of it? Yeah, that was my morning today. She never went back to sleep. I feel like T'Pol did that time she smashed her PADD on Archer's desk. Somewhat unbalanced and filled with an UNHOLY VULCAN RAGE!

[ /RANT ]
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Re: The Whine thread.

Postby Asso » Tue Feb 10, 2009 12:20 am

Don't get that wrong, EK, but when I read your messages, I feel powerfully your stories absence. :?
Well yes. I continue to write. And on Fanfiction.Net, for those who want, it is possible to cast a glance at my latest efforts. We arrived to
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Re: The Whine thread.

Postby Pitseleh » Tue Feb 10, 2009 1:40 am

Yikes, sorry to hear that EK. Few things piss me off as much as losing sleep or not being able to sleep. (Yeah, I know I chose the wrong career...) You'd think these guys at the hospital would know how to properly deal with this situation, right? You have a recovering baby and a tired parent in the same room. Letting them sleep is the logical thing to do...
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Re: The Whine thread.

Postby enterprikayak » Tue Feb 10, 2009 3:03 am

Pitseleh wrote:letting them sleep is the logical thing to do....

Yes! THANK you!!! Right??? I feel like I'm taking crazy pills here.

And thanks, Asso. :) Maybe one of these days my life will calm down enough that I will write some more. :lol: Unlikely, but there's always the dream.
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Re: The Whine thread.

Postby Alelou » Tue Feb 10, 2009 3:43 am

I have never yet seen a hospital that anyone can get any sleep in, except perhaps people who are seriously doped up or naturally able to sleep through an aerial bombardment.
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Re: The Whine thread.

Postby CX » Tue Feb 10, 2009 3:54 am

I guess you get what you pay for. ;)

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Re: The Whine thread.

Postby justTripn » Tue Feb 10, 2009 4:23 am

Asso wrote:Don't get that wrong, EK, but when I read your messages, I feel powerfully your stories absence. :?

Weird I was thinking the same thing. She has a way with words, huh?

And CX, I would be tempted to say "You get what you pay for" but that's what I got with my delivery and I WAS paying (by way of the insurance company). There is something very dysfunctional about the hospital schedule.
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Re: The Whine thread.

Postby TSara » Tue Feb 10, 2009 4:30 am aint any better in the US I'm afraid.

That is the ONE thing I hated about being in the hospital after M was born,the constant barrage of people....and whoopdee doo they were SO bloody cheerful! Yeah.....I feel your pain. I mean WTH...You are suppose to be resting! How can you do that if people are always bugging you. :bitch:

Being up all night with a baby sucks.....not being a morning person to begin with sucks even more!

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Re: The Whine thread.

Postby enterprikayak » Tue Feb 10, 2009 5:20 am

Thanks for the support. ;) Now there is a screaming SCREAMING enRAGED child in the room next to us. S/he's been going for about 20 minutes now.

Too bad i didn't really bite myself to death this morning. Should have. Really should have.

all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy
...............all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy
..........................all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy
.....................................all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy
.........................all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy
...............all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy
all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy
...................................all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy

...............all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy
..................................all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy



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Re: The Whine thread.

Postby Alelou » Tue Feb 10, 2009 12:19 pm

Just be thankful there's not a senile old man sitting outside your door yelling, "Help me!" and the occasional "Fire!"

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Re: The Whine thread.

Postby Linda » Tue Feb 10, 2009 2:12 pm

I would say give the kid a glass of orange juice with a shot of whiskey in it. People used to do that. But I think I would be tarred and feathered and run out of town on a rail these days if I advocated that. :? :badgrin:
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