I know I keep disappearing...

Just what it says on the tin.

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I know I keep disappearing...

Postby Emberchyld » Sat Jul 11, 2009 12:28 pm

... between a sinus infection that kicked the @$#$ out of me from November to March (moral of the story: go to a specialist, if you can! My GP didn't even connect the fatigue and fainting from Dec-February to an infection and was testing me for everything under the earth. The otholaryngologist caught it in 1 visit. One month of antibiotics later and I was good), a trip to India, recital and competition season, and overall shame for having disappeared, I, well, disappeared!

But, I finally found the half-written Natalie sequel story whose disappearance had created my major TnT writer's block so, I'm back on finishing that and hopefully will be back on the boards again more regularly.

(I am not worthy of all of your awesomeness :bow: )
"In order to be irreplaceable, one must always be different."
--Coco Chanel

Emberchyld's Livejournal: 45% dance, 45% skating, 5% Trying to convince others to watch Enterprise 5% everything else. You've been warned

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