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I finally did it :) Battlestar Galactica tattoo

Posted: Fri Aug 20, 2010 5:51 pm
by Elessar
I'm taking a bit of Owner privilege in posting a picture of myself where it doesn't really go :raspberry: so yall'd see it.




Warning you not for the less faint of heart but still completely appropriate to link to just maybe not to display!

So, I finally decided to do it! I got a really sweet deal because the artist and several of the artists in the studio were fans so I got it for 200 instead of 500. Took about 45 minutes for him to redo the sketch he drew from pictures... then about an hour an a half to 2 hours to actually do the tattoo.

Honestly, I'd love nothing more than to say "oh yeah it wasn't very painful" but it was HORRENDOUSLY painful. At first I thought there was no way I was going to be able to sit through that for 2 hours and I suddenly understood why people couldn't get 3-4-5 hour tattoos on end. But it was bearable. My sister was there talking to me to distract me, and about 3/4 of the way through you start to get used to it. A LITTLE used to it. Then he'll move and do a more tender part of the arm and you feel it all over again and worse! But, when it was finally over I was VERY happy with it. I've had nothing but compliments, so, I guess that's a good sign. Even this guy at Applebees who has 5 or 6 and is kind of a tattoo snob said that he was very impressed, not just by the deal but the quality and thought when I said "sort of tribal" that it was gonna look stupid, lol.

Anyway, I love it and my mom actually likes it amazingly enough. She's so cool, she adjusts to anything that makes me happy. Love you mom :hug:

Re: I finally did it :) Battlestar Galactica tattoo

Posted: Fri Aug 20, 2010 5:57 pm
by WarpGirl
Oh it looks cool! OK actually it's kinda hot. But I don't see how people do it to themselves, it hurts!!!!!!!! I'm glad you were honest admitting it. I hope you never get tired of it in like 40 years though. But yeah looks pretty darn awesome! :thumbsup: Are you going to do it again?

Re: I finally did it :) Battlestar Galactica tattoo

Posted: Fri Aug 20, 2010 6:09 pm
by aadarshinah
Wow. Amazing. And only 2 hours to do it too? You must have found a good place.

and it's kinda ironic, 'cause I got another one myself yesterday. Nothing exciting to write home about - just something I promised myself I would do when I got a new job. I still thought it was kinda on the verge between tickling and the feeling you get when you stay out slightly too long on a hot, sunny day concentrated in one spot, but, then again, I've never had one done on the arm either.

Wow though. Looks great. I love it, and don't know the first thing about Battlestar Galatica either.

Re: I finally did it :) Battlestar Galactica tattoo

Posted: Fri Aug 20, 2010 7:27 pm
by EntAllat
Wow. That's incredible! Very nice design choice.

Re: I finally did it :) Battlestar Galactica tattoo

Posted: Fri Aug 20, 2010 9:05 pm
by panyasan
It looks awesome! (Great arms btw :lol: :lol: )

Re: I finally did it :) Battlestar Galactica tattoo

Posted: Fri Aug 20, 2010 9:10 pm
by justTripn
Wow. *fans self*

Re: I finally did it :) Battlestar Galactica tattoo

Posted: Fri Aug 20, 2010 9:39 pm
by Kotik
Dammit, that's one badass tatoo :shock:

Re: I finally did it :) Battlestar Galactica tattoo

Posted: Fri Aug 20, 2010 10:05 pm
by Elessar
Glad yall like it, I was afraid the design wouldn't meet my anal retentive perfectionist eye but it totally does. The guy was fast, and I wonder if that made it more painful, IDK, cuz in doing some of the fill in work he ground it down pretty hard and I felt it going like up and down and in circles.

Went back to my office today to show it off and sell some dumbbells and so far, positive reactions all around! Well except from the company founder who I was actually really good buddies with... but he's like 75 so, different generation lol. He wasn't so thrilled though! haha

Re: I finally did it :) Battlestar Galactica tattoo

Posted: Fri Aug 20, 2010 10:15 pm
by WarpGirl
My grammy is 75 she likes tattoos. My grandfather has at least 8, and he's 70... So maybe it was just him not age. I wish I could cover my scars with something cool. But I can't for many reasons...

Re: I finally did it :) Battlestar Galactica tattoo

Posted: Fri Aug 20, 2010 11:05 pm
by Distracted
Ouch. Make sure you take care of it so it doesn't get infected. That's a large area.

And yes. It's very cool. 8)

Re: I finally did it :) Battlestar Galactica tattoo

Posted: Fri Aug 20, 2010 11:13 pm
by enterprikayak

Yowza. I never did 2 hours. That is a BITCH. It fuken HURTS!

I have four tattoos. One on left ankle, one on right side btw hips & ribs, one on upper back , and one on the sole of the right foot. The foot one HURT! :-x

Elessar wrote:and I wonder if that made it more painful, IDK, cuz in doing some of the fill in work he ground it down pretty hard and I felt it going like up and down and in circles.

Naw that's how they always feel.

People are like, "what does it feel like"? And I'm like: "It feels like a guy holding your skin down really taut with one hand while he scratches a mini automated jackhammer needle around and around on increasingly sore skin."

Feels *just* like that. :D

Afterward, it feels like a burn, without the throb of a burn. Just feels like a burn when you touch it.

Beautiful tat, and nice arm, dude! 8)

Re: I finally did it :) Battlestar Galactica tattoo

Posted: Sat Aug 21, 2010 1:07 am
by WarpGirl
See I deal with pain that bad every day, I can't willingly choose to go through it for vanity. But it is not surprizing that tattoos were used to show religious devotion and bravery, endurence, and strength... If you were an ancient warrior Elessar that tat would show you are not to be messed with. Not a bad thing. But listen to Dis no need to get knocked out by a nasty infection.

Re: I finally did it :) Battlestar Galactica tattoo

Posted: Sat Aug 21, 2010 1:09 am
by enterprikayak

Re: I finally did it :) Battlestar Galactica tattoo

Posted: Sat Aug 21, 2010 3:11 am
by Aikiweezie
OOOOH! I like it!

Re: I finally did it :) Battlestar Galactica tattoo

Posted: Sat Aug 21, 2010 4:07 am
by crystalswolf
You are my new hero!!! :bow: