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JustTripn & eK venture into the watery wolfy wilderness!!!!!

Posted: Fri Jul 22, 2011 6:25 pm
by enterprikayak
Well dudes! It's T minus 3 days till I pick up Annie Oakley (JT) at the airport! And then we are off in our wee kayaks into the watery beauty of the Broken Group Islands!

here are some pix for you all to gaze upon! Took these a few years back (on a rather foggy trip), but this is where Ann and I are going with my sister and her friend.


▲ Here is an artsy map of the area ▲


▲ Here is Lee and I and our two friends safely returned from a week in the Group ▲


▲ Here's me stuck up a rocky outcropping on Benson Island. ▲
Lee had to get me down but first he mocked me a bit and took my picture lol


▲ Here's Toquart Bay (our launch point) at 6 am ▲


▲ Here is this damn whale who kept surfacing and just as I'd click the shutter, he'd dive back in, hmph ▲


▲ My friend Kate making lunch ▲


▲ Lee, Carl, and Kate smiling at the trip photographer (me) ▲

We are going to have so much fun Ann!

Here is the google map of the area: ... 74609&z=11

Here is someone else's photo gallery of the group, well worth a look! ... m=85&pos=0

Re: JustTripn & eK venture into the watery wolfy wilderness!

Posted: Fri Jul 22, 2011 7:00 pm
by Silverbullet
EK, say what you will, the Pacific Northwest is very beautiful. Wild in places allowing one to get away from Civilization for a bit. I miss it a great deal.


Re: JustTripn & eK venture into the watery wolfy wilderness!

Posted: Fri Jul 22, 2011 7:23 pm
by WarpGirl
I have only one thing to say stay out of trouble. If that can't happen bring bail money! :twisted: You know those park rangers can be awfully cute. ;-)

Re: JustTripn & eK venture into the watery wolfy wilderness!

Posted: Fri Jul 22, 2011 7:45 pm
by enterprikayak
Not to mention the vampires and wolves! FOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOORKS!!!!!

Re: JustTripn & eK venture into the watery wolfy wilderness!

Posted: Fri Jul 22, 2011 9:34 pm
by Cogito
As the native guide I guess you will know which types of bark are safe to eat and where the local McDonalds is. Stay safe, and keep the laptop dry. (Well, you will be sending us regular updates, won't you? :D )

Re: JustTripn & eK venture into the watery wolfy wilderness!

Posted: Fri Jul 22, 2011 11:19 pm
by Silverbullet
Cogito, EK will be al right as she is adapted to the Pacific Northwest. It is JT who will have problems. Adaped person:

Lungs and Gills,
sleek Seal like fur,
Webbed feet and Hands,
Can speak Salmon,
Moss on the North side

would take JT a while to make the transition to adapated person


Re: JustTripn & eK venture into the watery wolfy wilderness!

Posted: Sat Jul 23, 2011 5:32 am
by justTripn
Ha ha! That is so funny, SB. "Moss on the North Side" :lol: :D Well, I've been shoping. I thought I would look pretty official with my Underarmor, and North Slope, and Columbia sports gear, but now I see you Canadians with your vest and performance fleece. :mrgreen: In the end, I might need my gigantic puffy winter coat that I wear at star parties. :? It's my ugly security blanket.

Re: JustTripn & eK venture into the watery wolfy wilderness!

Posted: Sat Jul 23, 2011 6:38 am
by marchale
I sure hope you guys have a blast together - stay dry and warm!!!!

Re: JustTripn & eK venture into the watery wolfy wilderness!

Posted: Tue Jul 26, 2011 1:11 am
by enterprikayak
Our own Annie Oakley (justripn) is AT THIS VERY MOMENT winging her way westward across Canada to come to my house! My car is covered in kayaks and full of lifejackets and tofu! lol

Re: JustTripn & eK venture into the watery wolfy wilderness!

Posted: Tue Jul 26, 2011 1:32 am
by WarpGirl
Hey remember a first aid kit, bug spray, extra water and granola (you never know...) and make sure the life jackets have sturdy straps. And no white water rafting! We need you both alive! Have fun! :wave:

Re: JustTripn & eK venture into the watery wolfy wilderness!

Posted: Tue Jul 26, 2011 1:53 am
by enterprikayak
We are each hauling 20 litres of water in our boats, the 1st aid kit and bug spray are packed, the pfd's have very sturdy straps and there is no white water as it is the ocean. lol Check, check, check, check, check. Aaaaaand CHECK!

Re: JustTripn & eK venture into the watery wolfy wilderness!

Posted: Tue Jul 26, 2011 3:09 am
by WarpGirl
Do you have you bail money? :-P :twisted:

Re: JustTripn & eK venture into the watery wolfy wilderness!

Posted: Tue Jul 26, 2011 4:03 am
by panyasan
enterprikayak wrote:Our own Annie Oakley (justripn) is AT THIS VERY MOMENT winging her way westward across Canada to come to my house! My car is covered in kayaks and full of lifejackets and tofu! lol

HAVE FUN! And make loads of pictures for this thread.

Re: JustTripn & eK venture into the watery wolfy wilderness!

Posted: Tue Jul 26, 2011 5:47 pm
by Kotik
Hug them whales, dear :lol:

Re: JustTripn & eK venture into the watery wolfy wilderness!

Posted: Tue Jul 26, 2011 5:49 pm
by enterprikayak
Bail money? This ain't the usa girl! LOLOLOL

Ann and I are right now running around my living room packing. We leave in about an hour!