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The Video Beta-ing Thread - I need yer help!

Posted: Wed Jul 11, 2007 11:05 pm
by enterprikayak
Hi folks. Don't know if others will have use for this thread when working on/finishing video projects, but here is a vid I'm working on.

This is a non-Trek (gasp!) effort of mine. Dayinthelife is my hubby prisocisor's band. His brother blake wrote this song and recorded it with his guitar (they plan on doing a more developed version later) and they want a music vid for YouTube.

Yeah, yeah, I know: stolen footage. I couldn't make it to this year's Oscars to git me own shots, unfortunately, so I stole. So sue me. (Actually, they may. But I like livin' on the edge.)

So, if you have the time and a fast-ish connection, please download this video and give it a boo and some constructive criticism (ie suggestions of things to move, change, add, or if you like it as-is say so). I have left some parts somewhat "emptier" as I plan to add some strips of the band singing in places, so keep this in mind if some parts are a little boring.

I just want to know if I'm on the right page with striking a chord within people, or if there's some areas that need more work.

Right click and choose Save As....

It's 19 MB and is a .swf Flash File. As long as you have Macromedia Flash Player, you should be able to just double-click once it's saved and it should work. Turn up those speakers!

Thanks Guys!!!!!

Re: The Video Beta-ing Thread

Posted: Wed Jul 11, 2007 11:25 pm
by enterprikayak
and it's got some disturbing footage of africa and the like, so if that freaks you out, don't view.

When I started making this, i didn't really think about it, just started collecting shots and footage of what I needed online. And I was feeling really weird and upset and almost nauseous-like after about an hour, and then I belatedly realised it was cause I was downloading masses of terribly sad images and stuff and it was freaking me out on an atomic level. We're all so jaded these days and see so much awful crap on the news, that at first, the pix were just exactly, y'know, what I was looking for. "Oh good! Here's some more starvation pics!" But it was buggin the hell out of my subconscious the whole time. Weird yucky feelings. We're all so lucky here.

It's really too bad many people declare "war on terror" but have a "peace on poverty" view as well.

Re: The Video Beta-ing Thread - I need yer help!

Posted: Thu Jul 12, 2007 10:16 am
by enterprikayak
anyone? anyone? Smile

Re: The Video Beta-ing Thread - I need yer help!

Posted: Fri Jul 13, 2007 6:43 am
by enterprikayak
please? Poke


allo allo?

Re: The Video Beta-ing Thread - I need yer help!

Posted: Fri Jul 13, 2007 7:23 am
by evcake
I have vey slow access at home, so I won't have a chance to see it until Sunday. I will then, though. Smile

Re: The Video Beta-ing Thread - I need yer help!

Posted: Sat Jul 14, 2007 2:41 pm
by enterprikayak
Thanks evcake! Me'n Prisocisor really appreciate it!

Right click and choose Save As....

Re: The Video Beta-ing Thread - I need yer help!

Posted: Sun Jul 15, 2007 7:08 pm
by evcake
I think I need to watch it a couple more times. One thing to begin with a fat person myself, there is one set of images I find wounding. However, it is a strong image, and you wish to make a strong statement, yes?
If only it were simple. If only one could give directly to these suffering ones. Money pours into African relief, and nothing ever changes. Corruption sucks it up, and the warlords laugh in our faces.
Keep writing, keep singing, keep showing.
More later, if you want.

Re: The Video Beta-ing Thread - I need yer help!

Posted: Mon Jul 16, 2007 3:22 am
by enterprikayak
yes, i am trying to make it a strong message. the overweight asian fellow is part of a series on gastric bypass surgery and I thought the contrast between those who cannot find enough food to fill their starving bellies and those who cannot stop filling their bellies was pretty bleak....for both sides. We just live in such a divided world. And good or bad, I wanted to show that division. ie. the actors at the oscars aren't "evil" they're just extraordinarily pretty, well-fed, lucky individuals compared to many of the individuals in other parts of the vid. And I realised as I did the vid, that except for a marble toilet seat or some stupid crap like that, Cate Blanchett and I really live identical existences compared to all those ladies in burkas and watching their starving babies die.


Re: The Video Beta-ing Thread - I need yer help!

Posted: Mon Jul 16, 2007 5:41 pm
by prisocisor
I LOVE what you've done with it!

Thanks darlin'!