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Re: TRIaxT'PoliTAN MUSEUM of ART - Fic Pix

Posted: Mon Nov 23, 2009 11:39 pm
by Ludmila
Thank you, enterprikayak, for new beatiful pictures and belated thank you very much for all your creative work (both writhing stuff in two different roles and your great idea of Triaxtpolitan in distant 2007). I loved in the first exhibition "Logic's Dream". "T'Bouguereau" and "T'Honeymoon".

Re: TRIaxT'PoliTAN MUSEUM of ART - Fic Pix

Posted: Tue Nov 24, 2009 5:06 am
by enterprikayak
Aw, thanks Ludmila!

And to you, Aquarius: Drat you!


Re: TRIaxT'PoliTAN MUSEUM of ART - Fic Pix

Posted: Tue Nov 24, 2009 5:08 am
by Aikiweezie
Another good one! :thumbsup:

Re: TRIaxT'PoliTAN MUSEUM of ART - Fic Pix

Posted: Tue Nov 24, 2009 5:10 am
by Aquarius
enterprikayak wrote:And to you, Aquarius: Drat you!

I love you! :happyjump: :happyjump:

Re: TRIaxT'PoliTAN MUSEUM of ART - Fic Pix

Posted: Tue Nov 24, 2009 5:11 am
by enterprikayak
I dunno....T'Pol looks kinda like she's rolling her eyes. :D

Re: TRIaxT'PoliTAN MUSEUM of ART - Fic Pix

Posted: Tue Nov 24, 2009 5:13 am
by Aquarius
And in a lot of ways that's SO appropriate! Especially when you consider the state of Han and Leia's relationship up to that time. ;-)

Re: TRIaxT'PoliTAN MUSEUM of ART - Fic Pix

Posted: Tue Nov 24, 2009 5:15 am
by enterprikayak


I'm going to admit something.

I'know......."seen"........Star Wars.

Sooooo........ you can all hate me now. :neutral:

Re: TRIaxT'PoliTAN MUSEUM of ART - Fic Pix

Posted: Tue Nov 24, 2009 5:37 am
by Aquarius
:shock: :wtf: :shock: :wtf: :shock: :wtf: :shock: :wtf:


Alrighty then....

Sorry--just teasing! But seriously--I so RARELY encounter anyone who hasn't at least watched the original trilogy! So this came as kind of a surprise!

Re: TRIaxT'PoliTAN MUSEUM of ART - Fic Pix

Posted: Tue Nov 24, 2009 5:42 am
by enterprikayak
[shamefully] I know, I know....I'm a terrible excuse for a sci-fi can say it.

Re: TRIaxT'PoliTAN MUSEUM of ART - Fic Pix

Posted: Tue Nov 24, 2009 11:57 am
by Alelou
Um... why not?

Re: TRIaxT'PoliTAN MUSEUM of ART - Fic Pix

Posted: Wed Nov 25, 2009 4:22 am
by Kevin Thomas Riley
enterprikayak wrote:I'know......."seen"........Star Wars.

Say what!??? :shock: :shock: :shock:

Are you for real!? Even non-fans have seen it at least once! (Where's that fainting smiley?)

Re: TRIaxT'PoliTAN MUSEUM of ART - Fic Pix

Posted: Wed Nov 25, 2009 4:39 am
by WarpGirl
enterprikayak Don't feel bad I know people who have NEVER seen Star Wars. Personally I'm a fan, but it's not everyone's cup of tea. And although I don't know why you've never seen it, that doesn't make you a terrible sci-fi geek. I never got into the new BSG, or Babylon 5 I still consider myself a geek goddess. (no I didn't coin the term)

Re: TRIaxT'PoliTAN MUSEUM of ART - Fic Pix

Posted: Wed Nov 25, 2009 5:07 am
by JadziaKathryn
Well, that makes 2 of us, ek. I've only ever seen little clips whilst babysitting two young terrors.

Re: TRIaxT'PoliTAN MUSEUM of ART - Fic Pix

Posted: Wed Nov 25, 2009 5:20 am
by WarpGirl
Evil little Sithlings were they? Like I said to me you're both still respectable "Geek Goddesses" and we have to stick together. So ek some more art would be nice... Titian, Rembrant, Rapheal, feeling inspired?

Re: TRIaxT'PoliTAN MUSEUM of ART - Fic Pix

Posted: Wed Nov 25, 2009 5:21 am
by enterprikayak
My general theory of Star Wars goes thusly:

When the movie came out, you were either (a) alive, or (b) not alive, yes?

In the case (a) above, wherein a person was, in fact "alive" when Star Wars debuted, they invariably went to see it. It was the 70's. There was nothing else to do, there was nothin' good on tv..."conditions were perfect" as the Conchords say....and thus ALL people watched it, and were amazed by the light sabers and the Force and what have you ... and were so a-goggle from the sheer and thorough amazingness of it, that they became helpless lifelong fans.

The second scenario (b) wherein a person was "not alive" during the release of the original star wars, is predicated upon the people from the first scenario: Immediately upon sensing the un-starwars'ed status of the small new person (b), any person from the first group (a), is compelled genetically to sit the smaller person down and show them all the Star Wars movies forthwith, as the smaller person (b) was not lucky enough to be alive when these iconic movies came out. The smaller person (b) usually holds this older person (a) in some regard. Thus all the hyperbole surrounding the movie (not to mention the puddles of drool on the floor when the older people were watching) seared an iconic, again helpless, love for the franchise into the tender young (b) brain.

And so it became thus: the mission of all human kind: that those from scenario (a) should educate all those in scenario (b) in the ways of the skywalking, sort-of-talking, Forceful yetis.

Now *I* personally come from a much smaller group. A minority if you will, that comes with it many of the prejudices and inconveniences of any minority-status group. Group (c) (if you will) is composed of those few lost souls, who, though most patently NOT ALIVE when the magic of Star Wars bent everyone's brain, was not tenderly cared for by a member of the (a) group, and thus NOT educated in the ways of the aforementioned yeti at a young and impressionable age. This happens when an (a) group member with a broken, malfunctioning brain doesn't bond properly to the Star War molecule during the initial imprinting session (watching the film). They are doomed to straggle through life, having watched Star Wars, and yet unable to grasp that most precious, precious internal nougat-y Force that all the other group (a) members imbibe like Jem'Hadar on the White.

These broken people then procreate, and fail to pass on the vital molecules to their offspring at a sufficiently early developmental stage.

In this case (c), the stunted human offspring tries their best, with the tools they have, to fit in with society.... only to find that-- alas! those untouched by the Force are *not quite*, in fact, full *members* of society.

No. We live on the outside.... wiping the glass.....feebly looking in. Not understanding.

Finally, the (c) person realises that they are missing a fundamental portion of human televisular DNA, and they *go* and rent this stupid effin' movie already.

But, sickeningly for all involved, it is too late. Too late alas! The campy 70's movie called Star Wars and its campy 70's sequels may *not* be tasted by a future-dwelling adult Star Wars virgin and appreciated. We stare in disbelief at the tall robot, and the small robot, we stare at a young Harrison Ford, for cripes' sakes, and we--those from (c)--look furtively over at our (a+b) friends who are nodding encouragingly, semi-insane smiles of voyeuristic gratification hovering about their mouths as they watch us deflowered.....and we wonder....just what it is....that they can possibly be talking about?!?? We cannot finish the movie. We ... cannot.

An essay. By eKayak.

(Ah, Jadzia....a precious cohort of the rare (c) persuasion! How bonded we are in this crazy world, yes? :) )