Star Trek: the new movie.

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Re: Star Trek: the new movie.

Postby thecursor » Wed Jun 17, 2009 6:05 pm

Nurture over nature! That's not his kid!

Thelma and Louise! That's what I wanted to say. Yeah, Thelma and Louise of Star Trek, riding through the universe on a stolen shuttle craft.
"Just remember what ol' Jack Burton does when the earth quakes, and the poison arrows fall from the sky, and the pillars of Heaven shake. Yeah, Jack Burton just looks that big ol' storm right square in the eye and he says, "Give me your best shot, pal. I can take it."

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Re: Star Trek: the new movie.

Postby WarpGirl » Wed Jun 17, 2009 6:08 pm

So the fact that he looks just like his "dad" is either a Q trick or.... :? What a lousy shuttle? No way man Thelma and Louise took the Defiant, and Nick Lacarno is their Brad Pitt. ;-)
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Re: Star Trek: the new movie.

Postby Eian Flannagan » Wed Jun 17, 2009 6:47 pm

thecursor wrote:Ladies: John DeLancie or Daniel Jackson? I thought so. Q Jr.'s gonna need glasses.

Image Image Image

:thumbsup: Bloody fantastic, lad! :guffaw:
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Re: Star Trek: the new movie.

Postby WarpGirl » Wed Jun 17, 2009 6:51 pm

Well he's right I'd fight every acended being, every Goa'uld, every human chick Earthling or not in existence to have me a Daniel Jackson. :D :D thecursor is bloody brilliant.
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Re: Star Trek: the new movie.

Postby JadziaKathryn » Wed Jun 17, 2009 9:09 pm

Alelou wrote:Um, a guy being interested in me as a human is great, but honey, I ALSO want to be his sex object.
I just meant I want the me-as-a-person part to come first. Anyway, poor Harry, the eternal ensign. He was woefully underused. And then there would be times ("Nightengale") where the season's token Kim episode was terrible. "Timeless" was excellent though, and Garret Wang was great in it. Also, Kim's a walking advertisement for nice guys finishing last. :( I read that Kim was going to be killed off, but Garret Wang was named on People's most beautiful people or some such list, so they kept him and 'transcended' Kes instead.
WarpGirl wrote:Well he's right I'd fight every acended being, every Goa'uld, every human chick Earthling or not in existence to have me a Daniel Jackson. :D :D
Oh! Oh, I'm so with you there. Intelligence is the sexiest thing and he's got it in spades. Compassionate, honorable, passionate... once his hair was cut, he's good-looking too. *sigh*

Maybe we need a new thread for this: the Wandering Musings on Characters thread.

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Re: Star Trek: the new movie.

Postby WarpGirl » Wed Jun 17, 2009 9:56 pm

Not to mention Daniel Jackson had the purest soul in any dimension, and the Nox, Asgard, and some ancients LOVE him. That's a good endorsement. As for Harry, <sigh> as Tom says... Harry, Harry, Harry...
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Re: Star Trek: the new movie.

Postby thecursor » Wed Jun 17, 2009 10:25 pm

This sarcasm/love of characters and concepts deserves a brand new thread! "How the Trek Do you feel about..."
"Just remember what ol' Jack Burton does when the earth quakes, and the poison arrows fall from the sky, and the pillars of Heaven shake. Yeah, Jack Burton just looks that big ol' storm right square in the eye and he says, "Give me your best shot, pal. I can take it."

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Re: Star Trek: the new movie.

Postby WarpGirl » Wed Jun 17, 2009 11:18 pm

Well... What are you waiting for? Anyway I figure I can turn this back to the topic, I liked Sarek, the dialog was authentic, and they did him right. But wierd thing I didn't like the actor, he didn't have the gravitas. I'm still trying to come up with a way to articulate my feelings on this. But all I can come up with is a lack of charisma. And I'm trying to wrap my head around the fact that Vulcan teachers would allow students to fight IN school. Now if they were walking home or something I'd get it. Still, I liked the events. That speech on Vulcan emotions was AWSOME! I only wish it had been Mark Lenard saying it.
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Re: Star Trek: the new movie.

Postby Lady Rainbow » Wed Jun 17, 2009 11:20 pm

thecursor wrote:I was using Lothario in a playful sense, Dictionary dot com fails to convey sarcasm, also I was unaware it was an insult. I thought it just meant player.

In seriousness (or as serious as a pimptitude assessment can be):

Jean Luc Picard, while not my preference as a leader of men, is the most underrated ladies man in the history of Trek.

The Evidence:

French with a British accent: Jesus, just one of those alone would do it and yet somehow, through some madding twist of fate, Picard scores BOTH. BOTH! Dear god, that's like the pimptitude three pointer right there. Women love a man who knows his wine but also an air of intelligent sophistication. While I don't advise he drives through a red state in a japanese car, I do think he's on the right track with that one.

Bald: Contrary to popular belief, bald is cool. Balding is not cool, toupees are not cool, Rogaine is just sad. But straight up bald is damn cool. Picard, like Bruce Willis before him, long ago decided not to fight the fear of a shiny dome but to embrace it. We know that as a young man, when faced with the prospect of no hair, he said "screw it" and cut it off. Bravery. Then to let said hair grow back just enough to get that gray rim in there, double plus bravery!

Plays music: Sure it's a wind instrument and not a bitchin' guitar but the message is clear, he once had a band. Bands usually have groupies. From my knowledge about Gavin Rossdale's awesome life, the number of girl's in graduating class that stalked the lead singer of Coldplay, and every one of Tom Jones' concerts, I have come to one conclusion: Groupies love a man with a British accent.

Good taste in women: As I already told you, sheer numbers count for nothing if you're only going after women with no challenge to them. Picard on the other hand shows excellent taste in women. Vash, a female Indiana Jones (so Q stole her, so what? She's still Picard's girl), a Kriosian Princess with a genetic drive to be the perfect mate (that's right, she was literally the perfect woman and she picked Picard), and I'm not sure but I think there was also the hot member of the Mama's and the Papas. Most telling of all? Beverly Crusher. Taking a look around the Enterprise D, the obvious choice is Deanna but think again. The woman is stocked to the gills with emotional baggage, constantly experiencing delusional visions, and marrying her means you get the world's most annoying mother in law. Plus she dated a Klingon, it's not like she's picky. If Riker wants a ticket on that crazy train, be my guest. What about Ensign Ro? Yeah she's hot but only if you're into dating bitchy terrorists. Picard knows the smart man always picks the red head. She's a doctor, she's stable, and she's knows not too hard on the eyes either. Yes Wesley is annoying (my personal hatred of Wesley burns like the heat of a thousand suns) but notice Picard did away with that little problem rather nicely. "Yes son, you go off to military school while I make time with your mom. A space hippie? Yeah, go ahead and follow him around. I'll stay here, with your mom" Croissant breakfasts my left foot, I know a damn date when I see one.

Dresses well: Despite the fact that he's the captain and he could show up in a t-shirt and shorts if he wanted to, Picard knows that a well dressed man is a man dressed to be well. He always adjusts his tunic just before getting up so that the hot Romulan on the other side of the view screen gets the message that he's the best thing that ever happened to her just before he breaks up with her using a phaser. Some times he even rocks a sports coat/gray shirt combo. I have NEVER seen anybody else wear that in the history of Trek but damn is that cool. It's probably not even regulation, he probably invented that.

Excellent in Bed: Where is my evidence for this, you say? How could I possibly know that? *ahem* Ladies and Gentlemen, I present the entire plot of First Contact. He was so hot the Borg Queen bent the rules just to make him special, he was so good at Hive Mind Brain Sex that she attacked Earth just to get another taste of Picard, and when he kicked her to the curb she started making time with Data just to make him jealous. DATA! She had to get a machine to do it better. Remember that episode where that woman thought that Picard was god? Secretly his reaction was "Yeah, I get that a lot."

Now my favorite captain is still Kirk. If I'm trapped on a planet with an angry Gorn, I want the guy who says "**** it" and drops a rock on the dude's head. Picard is a lover not a fighter and his constant need to talk to every...single....sad sack in the Galaxy just isn't my kind of Captain. Around two minutes through just one of those "Let us join the Federation even though we have a dark secret" meetings, Kirk would've pulled his phaser and gone sickhouse on somebody's ass. Kirk was a straight up killing machine, most of those moral conundrums would've been a lot simpler if Kirk showed up and said "Scotty, make some flintlock rifles." Bam, that just solved the Borg right there. Assimilate a bullet, assholes!

But in terms of ladies man status, Picard wins. Period. The man was just made of awesome when it came to women and the fact that he never got credit for it burns me. Both of them together, written properly would be the ultimate Trek buddy comedy. The end of Generations should've been Soren gets to the Nexus only to find a healthy dose of Kirk size tens in his ass and then watches as the Nexus ghost of his wife throws her arms around Picard yelling "At last, a real man!"

Then Kirk drops a rock on him.

DUDE!!! :guffaw: :guffaw: :guffaw: :guffaw:

thecursor wrote: Ladies: John DeLancie or Daniel Jackson? I thought so. Q Jr.'s gonna need glasses.

Yup. Daniel Jackson, every time. :thumbsup: I love a linguist with glasses.

thecursor wrote: Bonus thoughts: Jadzia and Kira needed their own show. The two most competent women in Trek history beat the ever loving crap out of anyone and everyone that stood in their way. Kira, a no nonsense revolutionary and Jadzia, a free spirit know-it-all had the potential to be an all girl tag team of awesome. It could've been a friendship to rival the Bashir-O'Brien Bromance but sadly those writers just couldn't handle it. Give 'em a spin-off, make them the Cagney and Lacey of Space, Laverne and Shirley with Phasers.

Yeah, they'd make a great team. Laverne and Shirley with Phasers. LOL! :guffaw:
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Re: Star Trek: the new movie.

Postby Aquarius » Thu Jun 18, 2009 1:22 am

thecursor wrote:Good taste in women: As I already told you, sheer numbers count for nothing if you're only going after women with no challenge to them. Picard on the other hand shows excellent taste in women. Vash, a female Indiana Jones (so Q stole her, so what? She's still Picard's girl), a Kriosian Princess with a genetic drive to be the perfect mate (that's right, she was literally the perfect woman and she picked Picard), and I'm not sure but I think there was also the hot member of the Mama's and the Papas. Most telling of all? Beverly Crusher. Taking a look around the Enterprise D, the obvious choice is Deanna but think again. The woman is stocked to the gills with emotional baggage, constantly experiencing delusional visions, and marrying her means you get the world's most annoying mother in law. Plus she dated a Klingon, it's not like she's picky. If Riker wants a ticket on that crazy train, be my guest. What about Ensign Ro? Yeah she's hot but only if you're into dating bitchy terrorists. Picard knows the smart man always picks the red head. She's a doctor, she's stable, and she's knows not too hard on the eyes either. Yes Wesley is annoying (my personal hatred of Wesley burns like the heat of a thousand suns) but notice Picard did away with that little problem rather nicely. "Yes son, you go off to military school while I make time with your mom. A space hippie? Yeah, go ahead and follow him around. I'll stay here, with your mom" Croissant breakfasts my left foot, I know a damn date when I see one.

Excellent in Bed: Where is my evidence for this, you say? How could I possibly know that? *ahem* Ladies and Gentlemen, I present the entire plot of First Contact. He was so hot the Borg Queen bent the rules just to make him special, he was so good at Hive Mind Brain Sex that she attacked Earth just to get another taste of Picard, and when he kicked her to the curb she started making time with Data just to make him jealous. DATA! She had to get a machine to do it better. Remember that episode where that woman thought that Picard was god? Secretly his reaction was "Yeah, I get that a lot."

Now my favorite captain is still Kirk. If I'm trapped on a planet with an angry Gorn, I want the guy who says "**** it" and drops a rock on the dude's head. Picard is a lover not a fighter and his constant need to talk to every...single....sad sack in the Galaxy just isn't my kind of Captain. Around two minutes through just one of those "Let us join the Federation even though we have a dark secret" meetings, Kirk would've pulled his phaser and gone sickhouse on somebody's ass. Kirk was a straight up killing machine, most of those moral conundrums would've been a lot simpler if Kirk showed up and said "Scotty, make some flintlock rifles." Bam, that just solved the Borg right there. Assimilate a bullet, assholes!

But in terms of ladies man status, Picard wins. Period. The man was just made of awesome when it came to women and the fact that he never got credit for it burns me. Both of them together, written properly would be the ultimate Trek buddy comedy. The end of Generations should've been Soren gets to the Nexus only to find a healthy dose of Kirk size tens in his ass and then watches as the Nexus ghost of his wife throws her arms around Picard yelling "At last, a real man!"

Then Kirk drops a rock on him.

You. Are. My. Idol.

:guffaw: :guffaw: :guffaw: :guffaw: :guffaw: :guffaw: :guffaw:
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Re: Star Trek: the new movie.

Postby Aquarius » Thu Jun 18, 2009 1:29 am

Alelou wrote:Um, a guy being interested in me as a human is great, but honey, I ALSO want to be his sex object.

Preach on, sista!! *high-fives Alelou*
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Re: Star Trek: the new movie.

Postby Linda » Tue Jun 23, 2009 7:45 pm

Cursor, I too like your profile of Picard's love life. :D Kirk would be an exciting lover...for a weekend maybe but Picard is a keeper. :lol:
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Re: Star Trek: the new movie.

Postby WarpGirl » Tue Jun 23, 2009 9:12 pm

Ewwwww Kirk isn't touching me, who knows what I'd get. Picard I'd trust not to get me sick or worse.
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Re: Star Trek: the new movie.

Postby justTripn » Wed Jun 24, 2009 8:51 am

Alelou wrote:Um, a guy being interested in me as a human is great, but honey, I ALSO want to be his sex object. I've had a couple of friends who were married to gay guys (one full-knowing and she and her husband somehow dreamed they could change that even though he'd drag her to gay bars while they were dating ...well, HELLO, it didn't work). You want to talk about real misery ... no sex and he's the one who insists on decorating the house.

Alelou is absolutely right. I know this from going to a christian college. I distinctly remember telling one guy I was dating "I think you only love me for my mind!"

And yeah, you're right about Harry Kim, Cursor. You're right about pretty much everything, lol . . . Sisko is Shaft :lol:
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Re: Star Trek: the new movie.

Postby Linda » Wed Jun 24, 2009 12:56 pm

Picard is my favorite Captain, but Sisko is my second favorite captain. :thumbsup:

Warpgirl you are probably right about Kirk. What you see is probably not all you get. :badgrin:
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