Men are dogs...How much of a dog is Trip Tucker?

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Men are dogs...How much of a dog is Trip Tucker?

Postby putaro » Tue Sep 06, 2011 3:02 pm

As part of the angsty section of my little story (yes, I know I'm long-winded, thank you Kotik) I had Trip giving a tour of San Francisco to a woman from his home town, a friend of Amanda Cole. Alelou's been beta'ing for me and when she read the first draft she just hated Trip. I made a few changes to soften it since I didn't think he was being as bad as she felt he was. However, I'm curious what other people's take on this would be. (If you're curious, the chapter is here )

So, men are dogs. How much of a dog is Trip Tucker?

a) Pre T'Pol
b) In the expanse
c) After the "mate bond"?

Can he be a dog after the mate bond? Personally, I think he could think about it but when it came down to actually doing something he wouldn't be able to. Other thoughts?

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Re: Men are dogs...How much of a dog is Trip Tucker?

Postby Cogito » Tue Sep 06, 2011 4:04 pm

When Trip and Malcolm had their adventure on Risa I thought they were both trying to live up to an image of a womaniser. They both looked completely awkward about the whole thing and I can't believe either of them actually wanted to be there.

During the mission in the expanse I choose to believe that Trip was thoroughly besotted with T'Pol. I can't imagine him, then or afterwards, wanting to be with somebody else. If he believes T'Pol doesn't want to be with him I can imagine him thinking that he *ought* to want to be with somebody else and trying to go through the motions, but I'd expect any sober and sane adult female to see straight through him. In any case, I can't see Trip getting past the fact that the woman he's with isn't T'Pol.

That's my take on it, anyway.

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Re: Men are dogs...How much of a dog is Trip Tucker?

Postby Silverbullet » Tue Sep 06, 2011 5:58 pm

Dog?, skirt chaswer? Womanizer? Nope, not Trip. Fact is none of the male characters on Enterprise fit that discription.

He said that he only three (3) real relationships and they all went bust. for a man in his early 30's that is very little. I think rather Trip is a bit shy about it. Cannot ever see him trying a hoooker with the other guys when he was in his early 20 and in University. Also, probably his dad told him not to have Sex with any woman he was not prepared to spend the rest of his life looking at over the Breakfast table.

Then there is T'Pol His conduct there exemplified him. He didn't push her. He loved her from a distance because he wouldn't or couldn't declare his love which continued even after T'Pol handed him his head the morning after the night bfore. He stuck it out until she admitted she wanted him and kissed him publicly then he cut and ran. However, he still loved her and at the end they both came together with the thought they could have a baby together if they wanted. That is not a Dog.

think you need another candidate for that title.

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Re: Men are dogs...How much of a dog is Trip Tucker?

Postby WarpGirl » Tue Sep 06, 2011 9:03 pm

How come when I say something like this I get blasted to kingdom come?

Okay for me, Trip can be a dog at times: Risa, Princess Fishstick, are two very good examples. But I don't think he's a man who constanly has sex on the brain.

Pre-T'Pol: Looking for a steady girl, occasionally takes what he can get when there isn't one.

Expanse: He was definitely interested in Cole, but discovered his "dream girl" wasn't so unavailable once, so he diecided to hold out.

I think when he's bonded he won't be interested. It's a physiological reaction not a choice. But if he did have a choice he wouldn't be interested anyway.
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Re: Men are dogs...How much of a dog is Trip Tucker?

Postby Silverbullet » Tue Sep 06, 2011 10:03 pm

Fishstick came on to Trip he didn't initiate it. He went along when she was all over him like a wet blanket. You could say he was dragged in to it. He is though a gentlema and that kind doesn't embarass a woman by turning down her advances.

Cole, she ws another one who was on the prowl. Trip thought it was just because they came from the same area, atteneded the same movie theaters, etc. She was a near home town girl but no more than that. Certainly no love interst or thoughts of Sex on his part. Cole thought differently which is obvious by her kissing him when they finished a seesion of NP. Trip ws suprised by that. Innocent boy that he is.

Even the young lady on the wrecked ship full of holo people was just like a sister to him. He even brought her an Ice Cream maker as a parting gift. Of course she used it as an excuse to Kiss him.

The three previous love interests all really weren't that important as they all went bust.

T'Pol brought a real love in to his life. It wasn't exactly love at first sight but close enough. He was smitten from the time they were first in Decon until the end. He suffered a lot because of it but he would have suffered more for her. T'Pol was it and it would only be T'Pol.

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Re: Men are dogs...How much of a dog is Trip Tucker?

Postby WarpGirl » Tue Sep 06, 2011 10:10 pm

Well NO THANKS obviously was not in Trip's vocabulary. He liked casual sex, it isn't demeaning to T'Pol's love to say that. And in Risa Trip WAS CHASING SKIRTS. I doubt it was the very first time he did it.
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Re: Men are dogs...How much of a dog is Trip Tucker?

Postby WarpGirl » Tue Sep 06, 2011 10:18 pm

And the idea that a "Gentleman doesn't reject the advances of a lady" is disgusting, weird, and degrading to men. If I was on a man like a "wet blanket" he is in on way "obligated" to sleep with me just because I would be embarassed if he didn't and I want him too. My god that is sick.
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Re: Men are dogs...How much of a dog is Trip Tucker?

Postby Silverbullet » Tue Sep 06, 2011 10:37 pm

WG, excuse me. when was it ever indicated in the series that Trip went in for casual Sex? Fistick obviously was not his fault. Doubt if he could have driven her off with a phase pistol.

He was innocent of anything with Ah Len although T'Pol damned sure was upset about it. She thought the worst.

Feezal laid it out on the line, Phlox said he was okay with it and still Trip said he didn't do that: Play around with another man's wife.

He never seems to have made a pass at Hoshi or any other of the females on board.

Risa, T'Pol said that they should go down to the surface and get their ashes hauled.It would help them. She pushed him in to his one episode of Skirt chasing and Malcolm was with him to urge it on.

He stood by, his Heart braking, when T'Pol married Koss because he loved her so and didn't want to make things more difficult for her.

Thatis not a Dog. That is a hell of a man.

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Re: Men are dogs...How much of a dog is Trip Tucker?

Postby WarpGirl » Tue Sep 06, 2011 10:45 pm

Silverbullet wrote:WG, excuse me. when was it ever indicated in the series that Trip went in for casual Sex? Fistick obviously was not his fault. Doubt if he could have driven her off with a phase pistol.

He can say NO! He can shove her off. He can not have sex with her. HE WANTED TO HAVE SEX! He went to Risa and he was looking for SEX not the love of his life!

That is behaving like a dog.
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Re: Men are dogs...How much of a dog is Trip Tucker?

Postby putaro » Wed Sep 07, 2011 12:44 am

With Princess Fishsticks he was drooling on the freezer case for the first half of the episode so it made sense that given a chance he'd sleep with her. Don't know if I'd call him a dog for sleeping with her but I definitely wouldn't put it as "poor innocent Trip seduced by the voracious alien princess"

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Re: Men are dogs...How much of a dog is Trip Tucker?

Postby Silverbullet » Wed Sep 07, 2011 12:46 am

I thought I explained that, Fishstick was all over him. She started it, he wasn't in a position to say no. all he could do was to go along with her. She would not have listened to no. she didn't want to hear that and she would have contnued to climb his frame.

Risa, T'Pol rather blatently said that the men on Entrprise should go to Risa, get laid to ease their tensions. Archer went along with that because he ordered the Enterprise to orbit Risa. Trip and malcolm were just following what they were told. Besides they would have been just as happy to share drinks with the females and nothing else. They were looking for companions to enjoy Risa. That doesn't mean they wanted to have Sex with every female on the planet. T'Pol was to blame if anyone. She told them to do it.

As I say, he turned down Feezal even to hiding from her. He told Feezal and Phlox that even if both of them didn't mind he said he didn't do that sort of thing, have Sex with a married woman.

As I say Cole was just a close tohome town girl.that was all. He told Malcolm and T'Pol that. Cole had other ideas but that was her problem. I would bet if the chips were down he would not get in to the sack with Cole.

Trip wasn't drooling at her in the Statis box. He looked at her commented on how pretty she was and wondered why she chose that method of traveling. But drool no. Later on the Planet he told her that he was boss because he knew how to survive on the planet and she didn't. He sure wasn't panting over her at that time. he told her to get out and hustled up some dry wood. In other words he hardly was planning on jumping her bones. They came to some kind of truce but he still was a guy who was stranded on a planet, waiting for the Enterprise to show up and get them off it. Sex was the last thing on his mind. Fishstick on the other hand did have it on her mind.

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Re: Men are dogs...How much of a dog is Trip Tucker?

Postby Cogito » Wed Sep 07, 2011 12:57 am

I have to disagree there. I can't believe you really think that Malcolm or Trip thought they'd been ordered to have sex while they were on Risa, and I can't believe you're seriously suggesting that Fishsticks forced Trip to do whatever they did. The plot assumes there was some chemistry between them. Actually, not all that different from the shouting matches he had with T'Pol - and there have been some very interesting stories suggesting that wasn't a coincidence. But the idea that Trip couldn't have said "no" to her if he'd wanted, just doesn't work for me.

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Re: Men are dogs...How much of a dog is Trip Tucker?

Postby WarpGirl » Wed Sep 07, 2011 1:22 am

Well my definition of a man behaving like a "dog" is when he sleeps with a woman with no intention of having a real relationship. Fishstick and Risa fits that definition.

A woman who does this is behaving like a "tart."

No way did Fishtick force Trip to have a roll in the swamp. No way did T'Pol order him and Malcolm to get laid.

That was ALL him!
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Re: Men are dogs...How much of a dog is Trip Tucker?

Postby Silverbullet » Wed Sep 07, 2011 1:22 am

Okay, they would not be on n Risa if T'Pol had not said thay needed to get laid and then Archer ordered Enterprise to Risa. Why go there if not for what T'Pool suggested. (although it is something of a mystery to me wny T'Pol sent Archer a book to occupy his time when she seemed to include him in lets get our ashes hauled) If Enterprise were not orbiting Risa then Trip and Malcolm would not be on the planet in the first place. Why were they there? Because T'Pol said they had to get laid and Archer went along with it. so, Trip and Malcolm were following what their superior officer (Archer) wanted them to do.

I have thought of that too. fishsttick came from a society where the females adapted themselves to what a woman who apppealed to a male would be like. In Trip's case it was an argumentive voilitile female, T'Pol. Makes sense. That is exactly what Trip was attracted to in T'Pol. He even said he never had so much fun arguing with anyone as he did with T'Pol Fishstick took on T'Pol's persona for Trip. She did as T'Pol, was the aggressor. T'Pol seduced Trip by dropping her Robe and Fishstick by slugging him. Whatever works

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Re: Men are dogs...How much of a dog is Trip Tucker?

Postby WarpGirl » Wed Sep 07, 2011 1:33 am

Ok obviously I need a longer vacation from these boards.... SB Let's look at what Travis did on Risa, Rock Climbing! Not clubbing, not drinking, not meeting womem... Rock Climbing

Do you thing the entire crew went down there for sex? UG!!!!! That's insane completely insane. Risa is the Hawaii of the ST universe. There were tons of stuff to do.

You do realize that you're saying that Princess Fishstick raped Trip, right? You're asserting that he doesn't have a right to say no if a woman touches him in a sexual manner. That isn't what happened, and it's disgusting! He could have stopped it! He didn't stop it because he wanted to have sex with her!
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