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Re: My VOY reviews

Postby CoffeeCat » Fri Aug 23, 2013 1:01 am

Kevin Thomas Riley wrote:
CoffeeCat wrote:Well. I'm actually thinking that both Elogium and Threshold actually rate lower than Bounty anyway.

I looked it up, and I gave Bounty a grade of 3.

But perhaps I'll have to revise my Elogium grade down once the season is over and I might recalibrate the scale. You might say that Threshold is a 0.0 and Elogium a 0.33?

I think they're pretty much tied. I guess I boils down to what I would rather watch: Kes in heat or Tom Paris making lizard babies with Captain Janeway. I might have to get back to you on that one :lol:
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Re: My VOY reviews

Postby Weeble » Fri Aug 23, 2013 2:06 am

Forgive my chauvinism, but "Bounty" had a buns laden T'Pol in heat. I do not know how you could award it a score as low as a 3. Besides SuperArcher is perhaps going to be returned to the klingons!!!!!! Well i could always hope. This episode deserves a 2 for plot an 8 for Jolene-ness and a 16 for perhaps getting rid of Archer. And a -4 for teasing about Archer. Ok I can live with a 4.
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Re: My VOY reviews

Postby CX » Fri Aug 23, 2013 4:06 am

The worst thing about "Elogium" was that it implied Neelix was having sex. :thumbsdown:

That episode also illustrates both the obsession the later Star Treks seemed to have with making attractive women ugly, and how the writers often failed to think things through very well in their rush to attempt to force some kind of drama. In this case, the attempted drama was that this might be Kes's only opportunity to have children, but that's about all the more thought they put into it, missing entirely that this would mean the species was doomed to extinction no matter what.

The worst aspect of "Tattoo" is that in their attempt to somehow show honor to Natives, they actually insulted them by saying Natives were backwards, languageless, cultureless people until white men from outer space uplifted them. It's also about the only time the ultra-religious, xenophobic, luddite character was implied to be in the right, at least that I've seen.

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Re: My VOY reviews

Postby CoffeeCat » Fri Aug 23, 2013 4:12 pm

CX wrote:The worst thing about "Elogium" was that it implied Neelix was having sex. :thumbsdown:

Well... almost, CX.


The worst thing about Elogium is the fact that they stump you into trying to picture how the mechanics of it actually work since the Ocampan birthing sac is in the middle of her back. The images it creates in ones mind just... cannot be unseen.

And people wonder why Unexpected didn't bother me... It's because I sat through seven years of watching the Voyager writers do what they do.

And Bounty failed because, dude, it's Polly!Farr. Up until Enterprise, it was Vulcan MALES that experienced Pon Farr. And it has always been Vulcan MALES. Ever since TOS aired Amok Time in 1966.
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Re: My VOY reviews

Postby Kevin Thomas Riley » Fri Aug 23, 2013 11:10 pm

Weeble wrote:Forgive my chauvinism, but "Bounty" had a buns laden T'Pol in heat. I do not know how you could award it a score as low as a 3. Besides SuperArcher is perhaps going to be returned to the klingons!!!!!! Well i could always hope. This episode deserves a 2 for plot an 8 for Jolene-ness and a 16 for perhaps getting rid of Archer. And a -4 for teasing about Archer. Ok I can live with a 4.

Well, my reasoning can be read here is the review I did a few years back.

CX wrote:The worst thing about "Elogium" was that it implied Neelix was having sex. :thumbsdown:

Brainsoap! :upchuck:

That episode also illustrates both the obsession the later Star Treks seemed to have with making attractive women ugly, and how the writers often failed to think things through very well in their rush to attempt to force some kind of drama. In this case, the attempted drama was that this might be Kes's only opportunity to have children, but that's about all the more thought they put into it, missing entirely that this would mean the species was doomed to extinction no matter what.


The worst aspect of "Tattoo" is that in their attempt to somehow show honor to Natives, they actually insulted them by saying Natives were backwards, languageless, cultureless people until white men from outer space uplifted them. It's also about the only time the ultra-religious, xenophobic, luddite character was implied to be in the right, at least that I've seen.

Yeah, that's bizarre! It's when the "noble savage" ideal collides with the general progressive optimism of Star Trek and the result in glaring inconsistencies. It's the same when Star Trek shows tolerance to alien religions and belief systems, yet somehow always fails to recognise that there are many different religious systems on Earth. I guess we're supposed to have evolved into enlightened atheists, but what does that say bout the condescending nature of Federation Earth towards others?

CoffeeCat wrote:The worst thing about Elogium is the fact that they stump you into trying to picture how the mechanics of it actually work since the Ocampan birthing sac is in the middle of her back. The images it creates in ones mind just... cannot be unseen.

Oh my... I need another Brainsoap! :explode:
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Re: My VOY reviews

Postby Kevin Thomas Riley » Fri Aug 23, 2013 11:11 pm

2-10 Cold Fire

Well, this is a lot better. Nothing mind-blowing (so to speak) but still an improvement of the latest disappointments. We learned about another Caretaker being out there in the pilot and finally we get to meet her. However, it was obviously clear from the start that it wouldn't mean that Voyager would be sent home. In fact, given how carelessly the first Caretaker treated them I'm surprised that they so willingly went ahead to meet her, even if Tuvok designed a precaution.

I actually thought meeting some other Ocampans were more interesting and it's a pity we never got to see more than Tanis, played by Gary Graham, who is better known as Soval from Enterprise, and one or two others. Graham was considered for the role of Captain on both Deep Space Nine and Voyager, before the producers decided on a black and a female, respectively, for those parts. He has an undeniable charisma and a Trek show with him at the helm would have been quite interesting.

Given that Kes seriously considered going to stay with them it was odd that she never insisted on going to see what it was like on the array. But I liked her being tempted by the dark side - burning Tuvok was really horrifying - and one has to wonder what will happen to her psionic powers. They were of course diminished once they got away but will they resurface. Also, are all Ocampa like this or is she (and Tanis's people) special? I don't recall anything about the Ocampa from the pilot being anything like this.

The ending was a little rushed and it all hinged on blind luck. Janeway showed Trekkian mercy on the female caretaker Suspiria, who then just left. That's an unforgivable gamble with the future of her ship and crew at the stake, especially given how malevolent Suspiria has proven herself to be.

At any rate, I think this was a fairly good episode and I give Cold Fire a grade of 6 on my 10-graded scale.

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2-11 Maneuvers

Maneuvers is another decent outing of Voyager, showing a lot intriguing maneuvers from both the Kazon/Seska and the Voyager, notably Chakotay. While the first officer's decision to go rogue and try and fix the mess he feels responsible for doesn't work out like he intended, it was still ballsy and I think a testament to his Maquis background. We see too little of these things that ought to separate them from the regular Starfleet crew.

But his actions did put Voyager at greater risk because obviously they wouldn't just leave him alone despite him telling them they should. So they go after him and save his bacon. The ending was disappointing in that him acting wilfully didn't have any consequences, but is allowed to keep his job even though someone like Tuvok would be better to trust in the first officer position after this. Janeway's tepid reaction was apparently a decision by the powers-that-be.

It was nice seeing Seska again. She's delightfully devious and threads a fine line with the very male-dominated Kazons (have we ever seen a female Kazon?) and Maje Culluh. Perhaps she really bet on the wrong horse here. Actress Martha Hackett was notably bigger in his episode and while she revealed to Chakotay - and the entire bride crew - that she had impregnated herself with his DNA, it was really a coincidence that she and her character was pregnant.

Another bad judgement call that Janeway made was not demanding that the Kazons handed over Seska together with Chakotay. They had all the Majes in custody after all, and they were in no position to refuse had they been given the demand.

I'll give Maneuvers a grade of 7 out of 10.

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2-12 Resistance

I suppose Resistance was supposed to be a gripping drama about how terrible it is to live in a dictatorship, with the guest-alien a man who's gone mad with grief and regret over the death of his family. But somehow it doesn't grab me and I was mostly irritated at the poor old delusional man and how he got in the way. Equally frustrating was the obnoxious official who was just toying with Voyager and they should have realised that from the start. Instead everything was dragged out to fill the hour.

I did like the scenes with imprisoned Torres and Tuvok though, and how they talked about survival strategies and the effects of torture on a Vulcan. Tuvok told her that she had the wrong idea about how Vulcans cope; they just cannot shut things down so they do suffer. We even hear him scream in the background at one time.

The episode played out as predictable as you can guess, with an all too easy jailbreak and of course the inevitable sacrifice by the damaged old man so he could finally be redeemed.

Resistance gets a grade of 3+ from me.

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Re: My VOY reviews

Postby Weeble » Sat Aug 24, 2013 1:21 am

I re-read your extremely well articulated rational behind giving "Bounty" a 3. It was not completely persuasive. Given that you are thorough I respectfully disagree, perhaps i was too generous in my awarding extra points for potential elimination of Archer.....I have come to understand there are a few out there who might have missed him. Still what buns, perhaps if you looked at your old avatar... :nerd: :nerd: :nerd:
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Re: My VOY reviews

Postby Kevin Thomas Riley » Sat Aug 24, 2013 3:32 pm

Weeble wrote:Still what buns, perhaps if you looked at your old avatar... :nerd: :nerd: :nerd:

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Re: My VOY reviews

Postby CoffeeCat » Sat Aug 24, 2013 4:22 pm

I think Seska always brought the best out of Chakotay's character. Too bad they killed her off. I think they should have re assimilated her into the crew and just kept her as a regular. I also feel the same way about Lon Suder (the character that made Tom Paris seem about as edgy as Harry Kim by comparison).
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Re: My VOY reviews

Postby CoffeeCat » Mon Aug 26, 2013 1:05 am

I figured out when I really decided that Captain Janeway was one scary "b". For most people it was Tuvix, but since Tuvix was only one character assassination out of many episodes, I overlooked it. She really started getting scary when Seven of Nine entered the picture and started questioning everything she did. It started slowly in season 4, but by the time you get to mid to late season 5, she is one seriously incompetent Captain who was beginning to lose the loyalties and trust of some of her officers (B'Elanna, Tom, Harry, and even Chakotay at times).

I can't wait till you get to review of these episodes, KTR. I particularly can't wait until you get to "Nothing Human", "Thirty Days", and "The Disease".

And I think you might enjoy "Counterpoint" as well.
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Re: My VOY reviews

Postby Kevin Thomas Riley » Mon Aug 26, 2013 9:30 pm

CoffeeCat wrote:I figured out when I really decided that Captain Janeway was one scary "b". For most people it was Tuvix, but since Tuvix was only one character assassination out of many episodes, I overlooked it.

As I watched Tuvix just the other day, I can say that this was that point of no return for me.

She really started getting scary when Seven of Nine entered the picture and started questioning everything she did. It started slowly in season 4, but by the time you get to mid to late season 5, she is one seriously incompetent Captain who was beginning to lose the loyalties and trust of some of her officers (B'Elanna, Tom, Harry, and even Chakotay at times).

I can't wait till you get to review of these episodes, KTR. I particularly can't wait until you get to "Nothing Human", "Thirty Days", and "The Disease".

And I think you might enjoy "Counterpoint" as well.

None of these episode titles mean anything to me. The whole show is one big blur for me. I can't tell the seasons apart. The only point I can say is before and after the appearance of 7of9.


Also, I have now retroactively downgraded Elogium to a zero.
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Re: My VOY reviews

Postby Kevin Thomas Riley » Mon Aug 26, 2013 9:31 pm

2-13 Prototype

When you introduce robots in science fiction, what usually makes or breaks a story is their appearance. Unfortunately for Prototype, their extremely simple and corny look breaks it. They look like guys in suits with some cheap masks spray-painted with silver, more at home on a Captain Proton holo-novel than on a modern Trek show. It was impossible to treat them seriously.

Too bad that this had to be a B'Elanna centred story, since I rather like her and think she deserves better material. She's an accomplished engineer and her scientific curiosity is rather infectious, but she's also saddled with way too much technobabble.

It turns out these robots are the Cylons of the Delta quadrant, having annihilated their makers and now intent on procreation and warring each other. That last bit was a nice twist but it doesn't save the episode.

I will give Prototype a grade of 2 out of 10.

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2-14 Alliances

I was pleasantly surprised with this episode that finally dealt with an issue Voyager should have dealt with long ago. Alas, it too little too late and that is why the attempt at building an alliance failed. For this we have the strictly rule-bound Janeway to thank for.

There is absolutely nothing inherently wrong with building alliances, especially when you're in such a serious predicament as Voyager is. The Kazon may not be ideal partners, but they (or at least some of them) might have been at an earlier stage, before Voyager got a bad reputation I the quadrant. Here the Trabe might have worked better, especially since it was obvious the Kazons weren't ready. But Janeway throws a hissy-fit after the Trabe ambush at the "peace" conference, very reminiscent of The Godfather Part III, and that was that.

OK, I get that she was angry at their deceit but can she really afford to be? Sometimes you just can't pick and choose and have to settle for the lesser or two evils. But in the end she feels she has to lecture the command staff about the benefits of federation principles, but no one looks really convinced.

Janeway acted very inconsistent in this episode. First she defended her splendid isolation argument, even flatly stating she'd rather destroy the ship (at a crewman's memorial service with scared and grieving friends and colleagues no less) only to do a 180 degree turn and seek alliances. Then she dissed Maje Culluh because of his sexism, torpedoing that, but still going ahead with a conference. She shouldn't lecture anyone!

Still, I liked the political maneuverings and found the Kazon/Trabe background story fascinating. Even if I don't like the Kazons it does explain why they behave like they do. But it is hard to feel sympathy for them.

Even if an alliance with the Trabe would have been beneficial, one has to wonder what kind of actual firepower they could contribute with. Their firing through the conference window was wholly inadequate. Most Majes survived. Don't they have torpedoes or something that could have flattened the building (once the Trabe governor had beamed away)?

Finally, I don't think they ever recovered the shuttle Neelix used, and therefore they lost a fourth shuttle.

Alliances gets a grade of 7+ on my 10-graded scale.

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2-15 Threshold

Oh my, I don't know where to begin. Threshold is arguably the worst episode of Voyager, possibly of the entire franchise. What was Brannon Braga smoking when he came up with it? But I have to admit that sometimes it's so ridiculous that it's funny, in a sad and twisted sort of way.

Tom Paris travels at ludicrous speed and mutates into a lizard that has lizard babies with the also mutated Janeway! Wrap your head around that one!

There isn't much point in naming all the abject stupidities in the episode, but let me mention a few. First, you cannot break the warp 10 threshold. It's mathematically impossible. In Trek warp 10 is an asymptote on the warp scale, you can never reach it. You can come as close as you can to infinity at warp 9.99999...etc. but not 10.

Also, it defies belief that this revolutionary breakthrough could be accomplished by some younger officers in their spare time, stranded on a ship with dwindling resources, when no one else has before. Paris, Torres and Kim are good, no doubt, but come on!

And once again Trek makes a mockery of the concept of evolution. Evolution is just a way species adapt to changing circumstances. It cannot be predicted by looking into the DNA, much less be speeded up by travelling at infinite speeds. Only after the fact can you theorise about what happened. Besides, Paris and Janeway didn't as much evolve as they devolved, which in a way sums up what happened to Voyager in this episode.

The cure was one of Trek's more unbelievable insta-fixes™. Just shower them with a hefty dose of antimatter and, voilà, lizards no more. If it's that easy, then why don't they all travel at warp 10, get home, and then just dose everyone with anti-protons? But wisely the showrunners decided to just ignore the implications of this episode, as it has been more or less excised from canon.

I'll stop here and just say that Threshold doesn't deserve a grade at all. It gets a big fat zero. It's even worse than Elogium, which got the other zero, so I suppose I could say that that episode was a 0+, or 0.33.

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Re: My VOY reviews

Postby CoffeeCat » Tue Aug 27, 2013 12:27 am

Kevin Thomas Riley wrote:
Also, I have now retroactively downgraded Elogium to a zero.

Thank You!

Kevin Thomas Riley wrote:Tom Paris travels at ludicrous speed and mutates into a lizard that has lizard babies with the also mutated Janeway! Wrap your head around that one!

I can't. The very least they could have done was tack a reset ending on it. I think if they did that, it might actually have been an improvement.

I never thought I'd say this, but I'd rather watch "Twilight" - Fairy Vampires or A/T'P. Take your pick.

Kevin Thomas Riley wrote:I'll stop here...

And you didn't even have to bring up the fact that it was one of the most horribly sick character assassinations ever to be played out in Star Trek. Poor Tom. The plot was bad enough to give it a big fat zero.

I like that the higher ratings go to the Kazon and Vidian storylines. I completely agree. I think those are the stories that carried the show in the beginning.
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Re: My VOY reviews

Postby Kevin Thomas Riley » Tue Aug 27, 2013 12:57 am

CoffeeCat wrote:I never thought I'd say this, but I'd rather watch "Twilight" - Fairy Vampires or A/T'P. Take your pick.

Well, as I said, it can be morbidly fun to watch such a train wreck as Threshold. So bad it's funny... like Plan 9 from Outer Space. Alas, Twilight (the ENT kind, not the sparkly vampires kind) doesn't fit in that category.

And you didn't even have to bring up the fact that it was one of the most horribly sick character assassinations ever to be played out in Star Trek. Poor Tom. The plot was bad enough to give it a big fat zero.

Yeah, there were a lot of things from that episode I didn't bother to cover.

I like that the higher ratings go to the Kazon and Vidian storylines. I completely agree. I think those are the stories that carried the show in the beginning.

And I don't even like the Kazons... :?
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Re: My VOY reviews

Postby CoffeeCat » Tue Aug 27, 2013 2:36 am

Kevin Thomas Riley wrote:And I don't even like the Kazons... :?

Because they're basically dumbed down Klingons with bad hairdos?
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