Ye Olde Drabble Archive

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Re: Ye Olde Drabble Archive

Postby WarpGirl » Wed Feb 23, 2011 4:36 am

Wow, I wrote a lot!

WarpGirl wrote:I can't say I like the Delphic Expanse, but I didn't expect it to be this hard. Starfleet was organized like most military organizations, (just in case). But chain of command and uniforms do not make soldiers. The Xindi changed all that. Now, we are in an environment we don't understand. Starfleet personnel and one Lt. Reed are paranoid we'll take over. As if we could! We're as lost as they are. I'm starting to respect Reed, in another life I'd buy him a drink. He did almost win that fight, almost. Who knows, war makes strange friendships. There's time.

WarpGirl wrote:All my life I've known the stars. I'm not an explorer, they are my home. When I joined Starfleet and went to earth for training it was tough. I loved seeing things I'd only read about or seen pictures of. The ocean, sunrises, sunsets... But underneath the excitement and wonder I was restless. I'm a born nomad, and staying still was painful. Thank god for the girl in my arms because without her I would have never made it. I never thought I'd see her again. I can't help but wonder are the stars still home, or is it her?

WarpGirl wrote:Life on a starship is the toughest life you can live. It's extremely isolated even if this mission is exploration. The crew becomes your family, the ship becomes your refuge. But still, the longing for your family and familiar comforts are powerful. They will tear you down and try to destroy you. That's where I come in. I can give you your most cherished memories. The feelings of safety, comfort, and pleasure of your childhood. When the cold of loneliness seeps through your bones down to your very soul, come to me. It will go away, in one blissful bite.

WarpGirl wrote:As I stare into a small flickering fame I feel a sense of peace come over me. I have finally adjusted to the unceasing sound of the surf outside my window. It took far longer than I ever expected it too. Truth be told I find it ironic. I learned patience with a people whose patience with us is spent. We were successful imposing caution on the previous generation. Now the son has taken over, and in his anger will fling them into a new world they cannot conceive of. I only hope the dangers will not be too great.

WarpGirl wrote:Regret, the definition of the word is: to feel sorrow or remorse for (an act, fault, disappointment, ect) according to Websters Dictionary. An emotion. I had accepted the fact that I had left my family forever. I learned many things about myself, had experiences that enriched my life enormously, and met many good people. One of whom specifically warned me about regret. I was torn. Despite our differences my family wants me to come home. I will continue to heed my friend's warning about regret. It's time to go home. I see this path is too dangerous to continue down.

WarpGirl wrote:I wanted to prove them wrong so badly. To say to them all, (I win). But over the years things have been changing. I met a woman who I could not put in the same box as the rest of them. Then the man who made my dad's professional life one long migraine turned out to be an invaluable ally. Now this “consciousness” has taken up residence in my mind. I studied his works. He's nothing like what I thought he was. No, 'I know better than you human,' attitude. I am wondering, do I need to win?

WarpGirl wrote:I head for the gym. When I get there, I notice the lights are down as dim as possible, and it seems empty. But my eyes adjust and I see her. She's practicing a Kata, her form is off. Finally, she drops on the mat.


“You can't sleep.”

“Not tonight.”

“They're sticking needles in my head again. When I'm asleep I can feel the pain. I can't fight it.”

I drop on the mat and hold her. “You don't have to be strong right now. I'm sorry, I didn't save you.”

“You are now.”

WarpGirl wrote:There are just some things a guy like me doesn't need to know. But thanks to an alien that's actually a sapient gooey spider web I know them now.

I didn't need to know the Captain's favorite fantasy was of Captain Hernandez in a hot tub in Mexico.

I didn't need to know Jen gets up at 0430 to watch Commander Reed workout. So much for “looking at the stars,” with me.

Now I'm praying I never get assigned to Columbia.

What does Jen see in Reed anyway? I'm bigger than he is.

I really shouldn't know these things!

WarpGirl wrote:Poor child. I look over the past century and wonder when we started to drift so far from our beliefs. When did the teachings of Infinite Diversity, Infinite Combinations give way to harsh intolerance, and oppression? When did breaking treaties and mistreating our allies become the acceptable and logical course? This isn't why I have worked to hard to bring peace between peoples for so many decades. When I look at this child I see hope. She is learning from these people, she is growing. Perhaps she and others like her will bring our people back to the true path.

WarpGirl wrote:Of all the humiliating things that I could experience this is the worst. I don't care if most of the crew would kill to be in my position. I never wanted to be trapped stark naked with the Commander ever! This is all his fault! Why did he come with me anyway? He knows I'm an entomologist! But no, he had to freak out and push us into bacteria filled mud that soaked through ALL of out clothes! Dang he's seen my butterfly tattoos. He'd better keep quiet. A harmless millepede caused all this. No... this is all his fault!

WarpGirl wrote:This is just sooooo good! It's been weeks since there has been any chocolate on the menu. The last few weeks have been an absolute nightmare. First, my chief decides that he needs to go off to Columbia and the rest of us down in Engineering pretend to not know why. No need to kick a guy when he's down, even if he is being an idiot. Then the Captain lets those green harlots on the ship. Causing the men to act like dogs, and giving the rest of us migraines. Thankfully Chief is back. But I need this chocolate!

WarpGirl wrote:Invader! An alien who is trespassing in our territory. I shot his vessel out of the atmosphere but unfortunately I crashed as well. We do not want outsiders in our territory and I had no intention of trusting him. The moon we were on couldn't have been a more dangerous location. Blistering days and frigid nights. I had him subdued, but I underestimated his cunning. But somehow, after much conflict, I was able to understand that we needed to work together to survive this. And when he wouldn't leave me behind, I learned an important lesson. Outsiders can be noble.

Dis I'm an addict and it's all your fault! :hug:
Some of these people haven't taken their medication. Let's see what happens now...
Donna Moss: The West Wing

And by people WG had herself in mind, but then the quote would have been ruined.
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Re: Ye Olde Drabble Archive

Postby enterprikayak » Wed Feb 23, 2011 4:55 am

wow, i was scrolling down, like 'yeah, that is a lot!' but then i keep scrolling, and keep scrolling and I'm going :shock:
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Re: Ye Olde Drabble Archive

Postby WarpGirl » Wed Feb 23, 2011 4:59 am

Blame Dis and the fact I have no life. And it's a great way to procrastinate on my proper fics... :roll:
Some of these people haven't taken their medication. Let's see what happens now...
Donna Moss: The West Wing

And by people WG had herself in mind, but then the quote would have been ruined.
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Re: Ye Olde Drabble Archive

Postby enterprikayak » Wed Feb 23, 2011 5:00 am

HEY! As I say to Lee: It's all good PRACTICE! Now go away and make me a bagel with cream cheese on it!
|||||||||enterpriseScrybe & enterpriseScrybe2 TrekVids|||||||||||||||||||||||||||
"Let's be honest with ourselves: there's nothing easy about the life we've chosen. But we don't do it because it's easy, dammit!
We do it because the tits are big and the bat'leths are sharp and the ships are fast!"

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Re: Ye Olde Drabble Archive

Postby WarpGirl » Wed Feb 23, 2011 5:02 am

If he does it thank God for that man and KEEP HIM! I couldn't get the ex to do that...
Some of these people haven't taken their medication. Let's see what happens now...
Donna Moss: The West Wing

And by people WG had herself in mind, but then the quote would have been ruined.
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Re: Ye Olde Drabble Archive

Postby WarpGirl » Fri Feb 25, 2011 1:55 am

WarpGirl wrote:I have not decided if the humans are a threat to us or not. The High Command is corrupt perverting our ways and the teachings of Surak. And that leads me to think that perhaps what I know of them is flawed. That was before I met a human. Captain Archer is everything I have always been told. Irrational, erratic, confrontational, and aggressive. Dangerous. Yet Surak has chosen him. I do not pretend to understand why. I am not certain these humans will not bring more harm to Vulcan. But I do know I have so much more to learn.

WarpGirl wrote:A perversion, an abomination, a betrayal of everything known to be true. That is what they say about mind-melds and the minority of the population who can preform them. That's what they want everyone to believe. I believed that I was defective, abnormal, immoral. I worried that somehow I was naturally evil. Then my eyes were opened. Not only were we lied too, but when people are injured from a meld and contract the Pa'nar they get no help. That is the true evil. An evil I must try to end. People deserve a cure, and they deserve the truth.

WarpGirl wrote:When I agreed to join this crew I was escaping some very complicated family dynamics. My sons refused to give up their prejudices and the entire family was in chaos, either taking sides, or trying to make peace. Humans have held a fascination for me for years now. But I admit I've always found them quite child-like. They always want to shape everything into what they believe it should be. And as they say: they step on a lot of toes doing it. I've learned they are much more complex than I'd imagined. It's a joy to watch them grow.

WarpGirl wrote:It is illogical to speculate on one's death, but I must admit I would not have expected this ending. Then again, I have experienced many unexpected things during my life. I did not expect a daughter so extraordinary as mine. Knowing my child was exposing herself to danger and there was nothing I could do, caused me great pain. But now, I see that her path has led to a new path for all of us. The path we had abandoned long ago. Perhaps this end is fitting. At last I can tell her how proud I am of her.

WarpGirl wrote:Coffee, oh how he needed coffee. Now that he was warm again, and sober, it was time to get back to normal. And normal meant at least 10 hours with his baby, lots and lots of coffee, and getting under “the babysitter's” skin. And if he could avoid getting into a shuttle-pod for a while, that would be an added bonus. One good thing came out of the whole mess, he had a new friend. But now something was off kilter. Then she walked in, and he found his eyes moving beyond his control. Then it clicked, “oh crap!”

WarpGirl wrote:“Sir?”

“Drop it, we practically died together. And I've brought gifts.”

“Commander if that bottle in your hand is O'Neill's whiskey then...”


“Get in here before you're caught!”

“Relax, we're off duty. But I'm glad Mal isn't here, he'd get all snobby and try to drink it all.”

“He doesn't know about your dirty little secret?”

“Not unless you told him.”

“No, it's funny but we've never talked about how long I've known you and the captain.


“You're gonna brag because you don't get hung-over.”


WarpGirl wrote:Fighting wars isn't why Starfleet was founded. We were meant to get out there, explore the stars, and find a new destiny for humanity. One based in peace, tolerance, and understanding. Oh trust me, nobody has a better understanding of the inherent conflicts that will arise between different species. My job, for the last 30 years has been mediating those conflicts. But never did I think we'd be brought to war. A race we've never even met wants to annihilate us. Suddenly our organization dedicated to exploration and alliance, has become an instrument of war. Godspeed Jon and the Enterprise.
Some of these people haven't taken their medication. Let's see what happens now...
Donna Moss: The West Wing

And by people WG had herself in mind, but then the quote would have been ruined.
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Re: Ye Olde Drabble Archive

Postby panyasan » Wed Mar 23, 2011 6:26 pm

He had made the right choices. He knew they were hard ones. He had left people to rot. He had sent people to the death. But he had no other choice. He had to repeat this to himself, over and over again. So he wouldn't go mad. So he could look that Vulcan in the face and tell him he had no right to accuse him. He looked in the mirror. His face looked old. He practiced his look. He would look stern. Confident. No hesitation. Like a war hero. Because he had done what his job required of him.
Love is a verb.

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Re: Ye Olde Drabble Archive

Postby WarpGirl » Sun Apr 10, 2011 11:44 pm

WarpGirl wrote:Of all the bad ideas I've had this might have been the worst. Nobody told me how the responsibilities would wear down on me. Nobody told me how position alters friendships. I just wanted some time with my best friend. It's been such a long time since I was just a “guy” just a friend. It should have been so perfect: a friendly first contact, sports, interesting food. He hates deserts. I should have remembered Australia. I have to get him home, I have to get him cool and full of fluids. I owe him a Prime Rib dinner.

WarpGirl wrote:Wow! I used to think people who complained that new information about accepted facts turned their world upside down were overly dramatic. I was wrong. My entire history was re-written and she calls it, “A footnote at best.” HA! I really don't know how to feel about this. I mean let's face it, that was not just a 'story.' I know she wouldn't lie about something so important. And I have to admit it was incredible to learn about something as personal as her family history. Maybe it was the wine. Or maybe she just takes after her great-grandmother.

WarpGirl wrote:“It's nice to know where he is, and that he's settling in well on his ship.”

A grunt and shuffling of the evening paper is the only reply I receive. I'll never forget what my husband told me on our wedding night... “I need you to trust me to know what is best, let me do my duty.” And I did trust him. I was so young. It was a relief to be taken care of, to let him handle everything. But now I realize something, my husband's duty broke me. Thank god it didn't break my son.

WarpGirl wrote:Surak's true teachings have been revealed, and I must use them to choose the right path. Is that path with or without my legal wife? It will be several years before my mating cycle will begin. During our ceremony our minds did not form the beginning of a bond. A divorce would not be dishonorable. As much as I admire her for her character, we have very little in common. All of these things make for a difficult marriage, but the reason that matters is this... she is in love with a human. Logic is clear, I must release her.

WarpGirl wrote:“I'm transferring to Columbia.”

“You bloody Plank!”


“Idiot, moron, thick headed jerk...”

“You know what happened when she told me she was free”

“So you're just running away. Leaving your crew, your friends, everything you worked so hard for.”

“I'm making mistakes, it's killing me to see her every day like this. And I can't guarantee what I'd do if something truly awful happened to her.”

“You'll regret this.”

“I need your support you've become my best friend.”

“You have it always. But don't forget, she didn't say never!”

WarpGirl wrote:She heard the whispers. How every so often Commander Tucker had a tear in his eye, or an expression of loss so profound on his face that it broke hearts. They whispered about her too. About how she went on with her duties as if nothing had happened. How her face must be stone because she never once showed her pain. Some asserted that the child had been nothing more to her than a scientific curiosity. She didn't express herself their way, therefore there must be nothing to express. She wondered if they were aware of their cruelty. Probably not.

WarpGirl wrote:I learned that I was very capable of hate when I lost someone I loved. It took time but I got through it. I had hoped that I would never feel that way again. It was not to be. I hate them all: the people that destroyed an innocent baby, the people who do nothing to stop them, and I hate the people who gossip about it all. They sit in judgment on us. I am declared virtuous in grief, and she is vilified in her logic. Thinking they support me with their pity, all they earn is my contempt.

WarpGirl wrote:Traditional enemies. Every society has them, even our so called “enlightened” people. I have clung to suspicion, pride, condescension, intolerance, and malice. But over time I have been forced to re-evaluate my views. As my control, my logic was slowly torn away I saw my enemy as a man. A man whose people had suffered because of this animosity. I saw a man who wanted to protect his people from their enemies, just as I do. I realized that we were the same. We had to take to take the first steps to break with tradition. It must end.

WarpGirl wrote:I talked to my sister today. She said she almost didn't recognize me. At first I was concerned, subspace communication is still highly erratic.

Then she said, “I've never seen you so at peace so happy. Your eyes smile.”

Granted my sister has always been on the dramatic side. But I started thinking about how much I've changed. I've become more personable, I've formed deep friendships. I'm even starting to consider a relationship with a junior colleague. I realized something. Life's too short, and for the first time in my life I'm truly happy. It can only get better.

WarpGirl wrote:When I got the news that I was being assigned to Enterprise I was shaking with joy. To be pulled off the Saratoga by The Commander “Trip” Tucker was the greatest honor a young engineer could possibly get! It was wonderful to see that old miser Brody not get his own way. I had two goals: One, learn everything I possibly can from him. Two, make him proud of me. This war has been so hard on my chief, but he’s so strong. I keep learning, and working to make him proud. I will keep doing it until I’m dead.

WarpGirl wrote:The poor child is quite indoctrinated by the VHC, she showed all the disdain for us that a proper Sub-Commander would be expected too. But there is something about her, something that makes me think she questions doctrine. Even we received word about P'Jem and this young woman's involvement. That gives me hope for her. Our way of life is not for all of our people. I certainly do not believe it is the right path for her. But what is important for all Vulcans is the ability to question, to determine for themselves how logic should guide there paths.

WarpGirl wrote:It has been years since I've had a good adventure, and entirely too long since I've seen my adored husband. Our family problems hurt him so much, but I know he misses us badly. Still he seems happy with the humans, especially the little entomologist. She sounds sweet, and if she eases the loneliness he feels I can't wait to meet her. He writes me about the wonders of these humans, and I cannot wait to experience even a tiny part of it. They all sound so intriguing, I stay awake at night trying to decide what to ask first.

WarpGirl wrote:If somebody had told me this would have happened when Jon got me on Enterprise I would have never left Brazil. Of all the nightmares I could have dreamed up being held captive by an alien race bent of annihilating humanity, was not something I dreaded. But here I am. And I've learned something: There are worse things to fear than death. I can't be afraid for myself right now. I have to be afraid for the billions of people who have no chance if I break. I have to fight now. If I die, I can't let them win.
Some of these people haven't taken their medication. Let's see what happens now...
Donna Moss: The West Wing

And by people WG had herself in mind, but then the quote would have been ruined.
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Re: Ye Olde Drabble Archive

Postby WarpGirl » Sat May 28, 2011 11:56 pm

WarpGirl wrote:I haven't spent any quality time with him in years. Not since Jon and I... But still, I remember when we had to drag him away from a project just to eat. My engineering crew is telling me he drifts away in some sort of daydreams. He's snappish with people. My CMO tells me if he comes in with another migraine that he'll have to take drastic measures. I don't even know why he's here. He and Jon have been inseparable for so long. I used to joke that he was my biggest competition. How can I help him now?
Some of these people haven't taken their medication. Let's see what happens now...
Donna Moss: The West Wing

And by people WG had herself in mind, but then the quote would have been ruined.
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Re: Ye Olde Drabble Archive

Postby panyasan » Sun May 29, 2011 7:08 pm

Drabble of 200 words. MU meets RU. I already posted it at the MU-thread, but shamelessy post it again. Rated R, hence the spoiler. Problably more to come....

The naked truth

“We have the technique and the opportunity,” Reed said.

Tucker stared at the machine that would bring his counterpart of another world to his. “We don't need the other Tucker.”

“He knows this ship as the back of his hand and is a genius. So we need him. End of discussion,” Reed replied sharply.

He turned to the two engineers standing by the device. “We have a lock on him?”

“Yes, sir,” one of them replied. “However, there are two identities. We can't separate them. Like they are united, intertwined.”

Perplexity flashed over Reeds face, before he smirked. “That's even better. We get Tuckers girlfriend as well. Engage.”

Before Tuckers eyes two persons materialized on the platform. He saw his own naked form and his face without the deforming scars, looking up in shock. The other Tucker tightened his grip on the woman in his arms, as wanting to protect her. The woman was the same who's smell, curves and soft skin plagued his memories. Only this T'Pol had short hair and a softer expression then the T'Pol of his universe. His counterpart was to be envied.

“Seize them,” Reed commanded.

Love is a verb.

Chapter 17 of Word of Ice is up!

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Re: Ye Olde Drabble Archive

Postby WarpGirl » Mon May 30, 2011 12:34 pm

WarpGirl wrote:It looks like the Captain has finally prevailed on the her to mix a little more with the crew. With everybody stuffed in here like sardines in a can she doesn't many options to avoid it. But I'm surprised that she decided to watch the film. One of those westerns where you can't tell who is who because of the bloody hats! The look on his face was priceless when she informed us that, “the dead man was secretly working for Sheriff Boggs.” He'll deny it but I saw his eyes light up. He can't wait for next time.

WarpGirl wrote:He was the only one to really notice me. I miss my father so much, when he came the pain was still new. But he had that same kindness, that same warmth. My father would let me explore the ships that came to us. Father never laughed at my dreams. He didn't laugh either, he answered my questions. He promised me a tour of his ship, and left me the schematics when he had to leave. He said we may see each other again. I have to believe we will. His crew might have saved us, but he healed me.

WarpGirl wrote:They say that greatness is a burden, and it's probably true. But it's also a burden being in a great man's shadow. We're the same age, but his career literally has sped at speeds faster than our ships. He is going to be the Zefrem Cochrane of this generation. Now I have to fill his shoes. I know it's not possible, they rushed my promotion so I could take his place. I in my wildest dreams couldn't have made Commander so fast, if he hadn't left. I'm angry, I'm not ready for this yet. I can't take his place here.
Some of these people haven't taken their medication. Let's see what happens now...
Donna Moss: The West Wing

And by people WG had herself in mind, but then the quote would have been ruined.
May We Together Become Greater Than The Sum Of Us
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Re: Ye Olde Drabble Archive

Postby Kotik » Thu Jul 28, 2011 9:22 am

Ok, here's my collection

The Meaning Of Toast wrote:T'Pol had a sense of deja-vu, even before the blond and pointy-eared child appeared in the door.
"Mother, I believe father has done something bad to uncle Jon."
"I do not think so," T'Pol tried to calm the excited child. Obviously she was exposed to one of Trips methaphors again.
"He told uncle Kov that he toasted uncle Jon in a shuttle race," little T'Mir explained, gesticulating.
"He did not harm him." Although I might harm them. They appear to have revitalized their habit of those illogical... bets
"What does it mean?"
"You shall find out yourself. You are old enough to start researching questions yourself."
A little blond cherub ran into the Embassy at break-neck speed, completely ignoring the guard. What 10 years ago would have instigated a diplomatic incident, merely raised eyebrows as the Embassy staff was well familiar with this and most of them were hopelessly smitten with the energetic offspring of a Vulcan and a Human.
"Uncle Soval," T'Mir called out excitedly and the wise old Vulcan lifted her up in his arms. Even the most protocol abiding Vulcan could not withstand the urge to make concessions for this little girl.
"What is it child?"
"What is the meaning of 'toast'?"
"It is an illogical human ritual to render perfectly agreeable slices of white bread unedible."
"No," T'Mir refused with a wild head shake. "It must be something you can do with people."
"Oh, of course. It is a custom to speak favorably with one another before drinking, usually alcohol."
"Thank you, uncle Soval."
Soval watched amused as the child ran out as quickly as she had come.
"Mother, I know, what father and uncle Jon have done. They drank alcohol while flying a shuttle," T'Mir reported with a disaproving pout. "Uncle Soval explained it."
"No, T'Mir, I think.. uncle Soval erred, you must continue your research."
"I'll go and ask uncle Kov."
Hysterical giggling roused T'Pol from her meditation.
"Did you find it out?"
"Yes mother. I understood it, when uncle Jon,father and the others came to uncle Kov's house for their... 'guy's evening'. Uncle Jon looks really cute in aunt Hoshi's dress."

Sport Is Good For Your Health wrote:“Mother, was my performance satisfactory?”
“You scored three goals. Of course your performance was most agreeable.”
“Why did the opposing players celebrate, despite their defeat?”
“I do not know, T’Mir. It appeared most illogical.”
“Where’s Kov?” Malcolm prattled and shot a warped look into his glass.
“Still in the doghouse,” Trip recalled and held his glass to Shran for a refill.
“He forgot their anniversary again,” Archer added with a giggle.
“They’ve been married for 3 years and he forgot their anniversary twice,” Malcolm said with a chuckle.
“How’d T’Mir’s game go?” Archer asked and shot back his ale.
“Pretty good, didn’t increase the body count for the first time and hammered 3 goals in.”
“Body count?” Phlox asked.
“Yeah, her superior strength get’n in the way again. Last week she shot a penalty, hammered it right at the goalie. Poor guy ended up in the net, together with the ball.”
“Today’s the first time all eleven players left the pitch conscious,” Trip added with a chuckle. “Still have to find a sport where she doesn’t wreak havoc.”
“How about track and field?” Malcolm proposed and got his refill from Shran.
“Tried that, didn’t go well. She almost impaled a long jumper, when she tried javelin and almost broke a leg, when she sailed right past the sand-pit trying the long jump.”
“Good thing they didn’t try hammer throwing,” Archer added.
“Yeah, basketball’s out of the question too. She jumps higher than anyone and usually the net’s needin’ to be remounted after her second slam-dunk. She completely wrecked the place.”
“Better make sure that your Henry doesn’t cross her,” Malcolm giggled.
“Trust me, when he’s at our place, he’s very well behaved,” Trip and Archer laughed. "I'm more worried about kids trying to cross Henry. They're only 10, but she doesn't let anyone near him, especially the female variety."
The guard saw the approaching missile in the last moment. He barely managed to key the entrance open, before the blond bullet shot past him into the Embassy.
"Uncle Soval, I score three times today," she reported with a grin, when Soval hoisted her up into his arms.
"That are agreeable news, child. How many opponents did you...damage?"
"None, uncle Soval."
"I am gratified to hear that."
"We have a game next week - against a selection from the Embassy. Will you come watch it?"
"Of course, child."
"Healer Keslak, report to my office," he com'ed after the little girl had gone home.

Inconvenient Damage wrote:"Where's Kov?" Malcolm asked.
"He's at our place," Archer explained. "T'Pau want's the fried protein resequencer fixed and our usual engineer has been gravely wounded," he added with a grin.
"Don' remind me," Trip groaned and adjusted the ice bag in his crotch.
"How did you manage to get injured...erm there," Malcom asked and emptied his ale.
"Played football with T'Mir. She's a deadly weapon on the penalty spot."
"It appears she doesn't desire any siblings," Phlox prattled, giggling.
"So how do you get a resequencer fried?" Shran asked and refilled Malcolms glass.
"Well, Henry and T'Mir have developed an interest in engineering," Archer reported with a stern look in Trip's direction. "It appears that the kids decided to 'improve the device's performance'."
"Yeah, thing wasn't very adapt at strawberry flavoured ice cream," Trip added. "Unfortunately they haven't gotten the circuitry thing quite riddled out."
"Tell me about it. T'Pau wanted tea and all she got was a fountain of sparks and a scorched robe."
"Speaking of ruined clothing," Malcolm prattled. "You better drop by and bow and scrape to Hoshi. She's bugging the hell out of me, because you ruined her best dress in that stupid bet of yours."
The guard keyed the entrance open and watched the blond assault commando run past him into the embassy.

"Uncle Soval!"
"What is it child," a slightly dented ambassador mustered the blond charge that had just tackled him.
"I'm sorry, uncle Soval. I did not mean to damage you."
"I know, child. You meant no harm."
"I did not hit the ball correctly and it took a most unforeseen trajectory," she reported with a sad pout.
"I know, but since Healer Keslak accompanied me to watch your game, the consequences where not severe. Has your father recovered?"
"Not yet. Mother is most displeased, too."
"That is illogical. You did not injure your father deliberately."
"I heard, how mother complained to aunt T'Pau, that father is unable to perform his duties because of the damage."
"Your father is most resourceful," Soval assured her with an elevated eye-brow. "He will find a way to... perform his duties."

Accidental Nerve Pinch wrote:"Evening, chaps," Malcolm said and plopped down on one of the armchairs in Shran's basement. The blue-skinned host was quick to supply him with a glass of ale. "Where's Kov?"
"In the doghouse again," Trip explained with a chuckle.
"What sort of trouble did the poor sod get himself into, this time?"
"He botched up his latest attempt at humor."
"How so?" Malcolm asked and shot back his ale, before holding the glass out for a refill.
"They were sitting on the porch and Anna told him she wanted something big and clean," Archer recalled grinning.
"That's american slang for a big beer without the foam on top," Trip explained, when he saw Malcolms confused face expression.
"Anyways she said 'I want something big and clean' and Kov - helpful husband that he is - suggested 'then go to the zoo and wash an elephant'."
Malcolm ejected his ale through the nose as all men enjoyed a healthy guffaw.
"He has a bit of a masochistic streak, hasn't he," Malcolm
"Speaking of destructive tendencies," Travis added. "It has been a while, since the last kitchen appliance exploded. So what are T'Mir and Henry up to?"
"It speaks!" the other guys shouted it mock-surprise and laughed.
"Well, I sorta steered their engineering interest into a less destructive direction," Trip explained. "To save us from self-combusting house-hold appliances I let them tamper with our old hover car."
"Yeah, and they haven't wrecked your place, yet," Archer added with a laugh.
"Well, almost. Henry reversed it into the shed yesterday. He didn't inherit much of your piloting skills, Jon."
"Nope," Jon admitted with a sigh. "He's got not only his mother's ears he also inherited T'Pau's driving skills."
"That bad?"
"Let's just say that her piloting license doubles as her weapons permit."
"Remind me never to ask her for a ride," Malcolm smirked and shot back another ale.
"You better go easy on that stuff," Trip warned. "I don't think Hoshi's gonna take it well if we bring you home in a wheelbarrow again."
"I don't think the ladies have the right to say anything," Malcolm prattled. "Not after their last Ladie's dinner."
"Don' remind me," Trip groaned with a hint of amusement. "You should have seen that picture - T'Pau standing on our porch with T'Pol hanging over her shoulder - completely out cold. And T'pau wasn't in the best of shapes herself."
"Yeah, somehow she was confused that you didn't buy her story, that she accidentally nerve-pinched T'Pol," Archer continued with a laugh.
"Well, I'll buy it when she explains to me, why a Vulcan starts reeking of ale after being nerve-zapped."
"Speaking of it," Archer continued with a stern look to Shran. "You don't happen to know, how the ladies could help themselves to a rather copious amount of Andorian ale, do you?"

Educating The Terrible Duo wrote:"That was interesting," little Henry stated and grinned from ear to ear. T'Mir's answer was a giggle and a raised eyebrow, much in the fashion of her mother.
"We shall do that again some time," he continued and took her hand.
"That would be nice," T'Mir giggled as the two children trundled back to the house, were two sets of motherly eyes stared them down. They had seen it all.
* * *
"Evening chaps," Malcolm quipped as he sat in his usual place - the big comfy armchair in Shran's basement. "Where's Kov?"
"I am here."
"Good grace," Malcom gasped with a surprized expression. "You've managed to get out of the doghouse for the first time in a whole year?"
"Anna is visiting her parents with the children," Kov delivered dryly. "It might have had a conducive impact."
"You really need to write an 'alien's guide to the human female'," Shran added, while refilling any glasses that weren't full. "Could have spared me dozens of bruises."
"How do you write about something that no one understands," Trip prattled and downed another ale.
"That explaines a lot," Shran grumbled. "When Amanda tried to find a dress for tonights Ladie's dinner, she asked me if it made her look fat. What is a male supposed to answer?"
"The truth," Kov supplied and held out his glass for a refill.
"That is most likely, why you are perpetually residing in the canine's domicile," Koss, the latest addition to the neighborhood, theorized.
"Color me stunned," Trip started. "You've been married to Jane, like what, 2 months? And you of all have riddled out the human female?"
"I did not claim to have deciphered their erratic reasoning. Answering a female question, which involves her appearance, her weight or her age, truthfully would be the most logical choice. That means it is the choice you must not choose."
"Sounds like a man of experience," Trip laughed and others followed his example.
"No finger nookie for a week," Travis added with a chuckle.
"Now I know, what's off," Malcolm babbled guzzling down another glass. "Where's Jon? He never misses our weekly ale-bash."
"He had to stay home and be the guinea pig for T'Pau's mind-melding bootcamp," Trip explained with a lopsided grin.
"Guinea pig?" Phlox asked.
"Yeah. T'Mir and Henry decided that holding hands and kissing isn't thrilling enough anymore and their mothers caught them mind-melding in the backyard," Trip remembered with a drunken giggle. "Since forbidding it would be useless, T'Pau decided to show them how it's done properly, before any of them comes down with a bout of Pa'nar."
"And what is Jon's part of the proceedings?" Kov asked.
"Well, he is human," Phlox provided. "So he cannot contract Pa'nar Syndrome, even if the children do not initiate the meld properly during their education."
"Yeah, but Henry could fry dad's brain. T'Pol told me that Jon was out cold for hours, when T'Pau tried to poke Surak's katra out of his skull," Trip snorted.
"Aren't they a little young for... kissing or mind-melding?" Travis asked, downing the next ale.
"No, really," Trip laughed. "They're only 11, but if you'd ask them, when they started dating, they'd probably say 'when we were two'. Those two have been an item, since they stopped soiling their diapers."
"Fascinating," Phlox mused, but was interrupted by a loud thud, as Malcolm passed out.
"He'll never learn to hold his liquor," Shran grumbled. "I'll get the wheelbarrow."

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Re: Ye Olde Drabble Archive

Postby Cogito » Thu Jul 28, 2011 9:42 am

That's a superb collection of short stories that definitely deserves to be published. Why haven't I seen it before?

But I wouldn't call them drabbles. Isn't a drabble supposed to be a hundred words?


Re: Ye Olde Drabble Archive

Postby Kotik » Thu Jul 28, 2011 9:51 am

Yes, I know. They aren't exactly drabbles in the technical sense, but I posted them for the same reason you mentioned. They are burried inside several word prompt threads, which nobody finds.
BTW. I'm working on a publishing, multi chaptered version. An ENT soap opera cum comedy called "Seleya Hills 90210" :lol: Name is courtesy of KTR

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Re: Ye Olde Drabble Archive

Postby putaro » Thu Jul 28, 2011 12:21 pm

I wrote this one a while back after spending my afternoon replacing the hard drive in a devil machine.

Out, out damn bolt wrote:Just a little further…Trip reached into the guts of the relay panel, trying to get the bolt in place by feel. He shouldn’t cut corners, but Chef was making peach cobbler tonight and he wanted some. The bolt slipped and clattered down.

Damn. Couldn’t leave it in there. He got the toolbox and pulled the top relays. No bolt. Gotta keep diggin’, he thought.

T’Pol found him halfway into the panel, pieces strewn around the floor.

“You missed dinner.”

“I was trying to get this bolt that I dropped.”

She spotted a bolt in the corner. “This one?”

Damn bolt.

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