Just how "experienced" was T'Pol?

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Re: Just how "experienced" was T'Pol?

Postby putaro » Wed Jul 06, 2011 1:26 am

SB is right - can't sleep around you people!

WarpGirl wrote:There are two questions I need answered:

1. When did I say T'Pol or Trip need to define or lable their relationship to other people?

I believe what I said was that they did not define, their relationship to each other. And unless I'm completely separated from the human race, couples usually define what they are to each other.

2. Did T'Pol drop Trip like a hot potatoe after Harbinger or not, where did I miss the part where they had heartfelt talks and declared their love for each other, after or during the time they were in bed?

1 - you didn't. But why do they need to define the relationship to each other in words? This whole mating bond thing is supposed to be very basic and also very real. It's not like purchasing an engagement ring - you have to actually have the feelings

Now about the mating bond, a lot of our fan fic writers have spent a lot of time defining it as being the equivalent of marriage. If a bond forms, you're married and a strong bond is indicative of deep feelings. Since TnT have a strong enough bond to be seeing each other in their heads I'd say this is ipso facto proof they have deep feelings no matter what they're saying.

"Couples" usually define their relationship with words. Using the word "mates" however, is intended to invoke a more primitive connotation, animalistic even. It's sub-verbal.

2 - She did. Now my question is, was this because she didn't have any feelings or because she didn't WANT to have feelings?

All of this debate and dissection of Harbinger makes it clear that T'Pol was damn lucky that Trip wasn't around when she was talking to Phlox:

T'Pol wrote:In my experience, humans lack the emotional maturity for interspecies relationships. They tend to be easily infatuated with things they find new. This crewman may simply be satisfying her curiosity at your expense.

Who's being emotionally immature in Harbinger? Who is satisfying their curiousity (or at least says they're satisfying their curiousity)?

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Re: Just how "experienced" was T'Pol?

Postby marchale » Wed Jul 06, 2011 1:51 am

putaro wrote:SB is right - can't sleep around you people!

Who's being emotionally immature in Harbinger? Who is satisfying their curiousity (or at least says they're satisfying their curiousity)?

Hi putaro,

Wasn't sure here if you were commenting on T'Pol's reaction in Harbinger as being emotionally immature - like as in, duh, I think it was obvious she was reacting emotionally immaturely; or if this was brought up because I wrote that she "seemed too emotionally inexperienced to know how to deal with it in a more mature way"; but if you are wondering why I said that, I don't think backing away from someone it should have brought her closer to was very mature, not to mention she didn't show concern for how he felt either. And while she may have been curious about exploring her feelings for Trip as far as trying to figure out if what she felt was really love or just sexual attraction - I don't think she did it out of a curiosity about what going to bed with a human would be like or just to see how he looked naked or would act in bed or to find out what his sexual preferences might be, etc.
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Re: Just how "experienced" was T'Pol?

Postby WarpGirl » Wed Jul 06, 2011 2:03 am

Cogito wrote:You're choosing a difficult path. When you look at the screenplay for each episode, all you're seeing is what the writers needed for that week's adventure to happen. The characters are wildly inconsistent from week to week and even within an episode. For forty minutes of light entertainment, that doesn't matter.

DANG RIGHT IT'S HARD! If I had one penny for every time I thought I should just 'get the h--- out of Dodge' (and by Dodge I mean here) I'd have at least 1,000$. And believe me I could use the money.

Cogito wrote:But if you're trying to map all those details onto realistic personalities and work out what must have been going on in their heads for all that to happen, you will end up in a very difficult situation...

That's why the catagory of AU exist! :D :-P

Cogito wrote:Like you, I use the stories we have been shown as an inspiration to conjure up a world with consistent characters in realistic situations developing meaningful relationships with each other. This is certainly what you have shown in your stories so far, and I applaud you for it. But the more closely you try to fit that imaginary world to the screenplay, the more illogical details and inconsistencies you have to incorporate. For me, there quickly comes a point where I say: that detail doesn't make sense; it doesn't make sense for "my" character to act like that; I choose to ignore it.

Bottom line: Strip ENT down to the most bare basics of what we were given in it's premise, and characters. There is a lot of good stuff to work with. Even Archer... ENT had a lot of good concepts, the execution was absolutely horrendous. I enjoy the challenge of taking stuff and making it work.

I have ditched a lot of canon maybe you've forgotten that I chucked the sex in Harbinger completely. Because let's face it, no two sane people who care at all about each other, would make such a mess like that "morning after."

Putaro wrote:1 - you didn't. But why do they need to define the relationship to each other in words? This whole mating bond thing is supposed to be very basic and also very real. It's not like purchasing an engagement ring - you have to actually have the feelings.

I never ever said that night was emotionaless sex okay. I really do not understand why people keep inferring I have. But when you have sex with someone one night and announce that they don't intend to continue the relationship, that IS a "one night stand."

Why do they have to put a label on their realtionship? Simple... Two people from wildly different cultures need to know what they each expect from the relationship. How can they do that without a clear understanding of what that relationship is?

The mating bond is irrelevent to TnT until Trip leaves Enterprise, either T'Pol isn't sure they exist, or believes that one cannot be formed with a human.

Putaro wrote:2 - She did. Now my question is, was this because she didn't have any feelings or because she didn't WANT to have feelings?

She did it because she completely panicked and hoped that the human penchent for having casual sex would shield her from being hurt from a relationship she didn't believe would work.
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Re: Just how "experienced" was T'Pol?

Postby putaro » Wed Jul 06, 2011 2:13 am

marchale wrote:
putaro wrote:SB is right - can't sleep around you people!

Who's being emotionally immature in Harbinger? Who is satisfying their curiousity (or at least says they're satisfying their curiousity)?

Wasn't sure here if you were commenting on T'Pol's reaction in Harbinger as being emotionally immature...

My point was that she had her "Vulcans are so superior to Humans, Humans are so immature" quote from way back and she is doing exactly what she claimed a Human would do while Trip is showing a lot more maturity.

She goes on in a later episode to ding Trip for being emotionally attached because of sex when she's the one who's formed a mating bond to him!

The irony of it is fun. Is it intentional by the writers? Unknown. Though, speaking of muses, I think Phlox and Trip need to have a little talk somewhere so that Trip can bring T'Pol's quotes back to bite her.

And since someone else was busy writing while I was writing....

WarpGirl wrote:
putaro wrote:1 - you didn't. But why do they need to define the relationship to each other in words? This whole mating bond thing is supposed to be very basic and also very real. It's not like purchasing an engagement ring - you have to actually have the feelings.

I never ever said that night was emotionaless sex okay. I really do not understand why people keep inferring I have. But when you have sex with someone one night and announce that they don't intend to continue the relationship, that IS a "one night stand."

Why do they have to put a label on their realtionship? Simple... Two people from wildly different cultures need to know what they each expect from the relationship. How can they do that without a clear understanding of what that relationship is?

The mating bond is irrelevent to TnT until Trip leaves Enterprise, either T'Pol isn't sure they exist, or believes that one cannot be formed with a human.

Whoa there cowgirl! This whole did they have a "relationship" or not was because you wanted to define "mates" as sexual relations and I want to define it as "becoming mates".

There's no moral judgement being placed by anyone, I don't think.

What it sounds like you're saying is that all you need is sex for a mating bond to form because if they had actual feelings for each other they would have said so and therefore a mating bond can't be about "being mates" because in order to be "mates" you have to say you are. I don't think you need to say things in order to have the feelings and I don't think you even need to realize you have the feelings to form a mating bond.

Oh, and let's all not forget that reasoning and logical thinking wasn't evolved to figure things out but to win arguments :-)

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Re: Just how "experienced" was T'Pol?

Postby WarpGirl » Wed Jul 06, 2011 2:30 am

I wrote this earlier in the thread maybe you missed it, we all type so fast and furious here... :roll:

That's why TnT's bond has to be based on the Neuropressure and the consistent physical and telepathic contact they had for months prior to Harbinger.

The Neuropressure and subsequent touch-telepathy would never have happened if T'Pol didn't care deeply for Trip. I agree they loved each other. I do not believe that the one night constitutes a romantic relationship.
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Re: Just how "experienced" was T'Pol?

Postby marchale » Wed Jul 06, 2011 2:33 am

WarpGirl wrote:
She did it because she completely panicked and hoped that the human penchent for having casual sex would shield her from being hurt from a relationship she didn't believe would work.

Okay, I can see why you answered this the way you did given the mixed messages and inconsistances in canon here - but if she didn't believe a relationship would (or at least could) work - then what was the point of her going to bed with him? You don't need to answer that if you don't want to - I'm not trying to make you defend a canon I think is irrational and inconsistant here - just pointing out that idea doesn't explain her motivation behind her behavior then, thats all. I mean, why pursue the lovemaking (or just the sex if you don't think it was making love) if she didn't think there was at least a chance they could make a relationship work?
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Re: Just how "experienced" was T'Pol?

Postby putaro » Wed Jul 06, 2011 2:50 am

WarpGirl wrote:I do not believe that the one night constitutes a romantic relationship.

You forgot to add the qualifier - "For Humans!"

And this whole discussion was still predicated on the phrase:

Bound wrote:T'POL: There's a long-held belief that when a Vulcan mates, there's a shared psychic bond.

and what the word "mates" mean. Is it just sex or is it "becoming mates"?

You're going in all directions at the moment. You're saying that a one-night stand isn't a romantic relationship, but they had deep feelings for each other, but the deep feelings don't really count because they never said anything, so it must just be sex, but just sex isn't a deep relationship and you're going in circles.

Pick a direction!

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Re: Just how "experienced" was T'Pol?

Postby WarpGirl » Wed Jul 06, 2011 3:01 am

Marchale I'll answer but I'm gonna get killed... She didn't seduce Trip because she loved him (even though she did) she seduced him out of irrational fear, and pure jealousy. All of those things are about her not about love. Love is unselfish, and looks for what is best for the other person.

Add her loss of control due to Pa'nar and the Trellium D, and you've got the equivilant of a drunk geek girl faced with losing the quaterback to the head cheerleader. She did the first thing she could think of. Then, when she woke up she realized that her "solution" was no "solution" at all. She knows humans have casual sex, she knows TRIP has casual sex. So she tried to bow out gracefully.

But how could she do that? She had never dealt with anything like this in her entire life.

It's obvious Trip did nothing to let her know how he felt about what happened during their time together. T'Pol is neither callous, cold, or the type to hurt anyone with deliberate intent. If she had any clue that what she would do that morning would hurt him she would have never do it.

Personally I take Trip at his word when he told T'Les he didn't realize he loved her until she told him she was marrying Koss. And I don't think his heart was shattered during that morning after either.

Putaro Fine I'll make it simple. As I said she LOVED him but she had sex because of fear and jealousy, not love.

They did not have a ROMANTIC relationship because in that same episode he's pursuing another woman.

They did not have a ROMANTIC relationship because they made no commitment to each other.

They did not have a ROMANTIC relationship because she had no clue they'd end up bonded.

Up until Bound they did not have a ROMANTIC relationship. They were two people who loved each other. And only one of them had even a glint of a clue and it wasn't Trip.
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Re: Just how "experienced" was T'Pol?

Postby marchale » Wed Jul 06, 2011 3:14 am

putaro wrote:
marchale wrote:
putaro wrote:SB is right - can't sleep around you people!

Who's being emotionally immature in Harbinger? Who is satisfying their curiousity (or at least says they're satisfying their curiousity)?

Wasn't sure here if you were commenting on T'Pol's reaction in Harbinger as being emotionally immature...

My point was that she had her "Vulcans are so superior to Humans, Humans are so immature" quote from way back and she is doing exactly what she claimed a Human would do while Trip is showing a lot more maturity.

She goes on in a later episode to ding Trip for being emotionally attached because of sex when she's the one who's formed a mating bond to him!

The irony of it is fun. Is it intentional by the writers? Unknown. Though, speaking of muses, I think Phlox and Trip need to have a little talk somewhere so that Trip can bring T'Pol's quotes back to bite her.

Yeah, I agree - it is ironic. I don't know if it was intentional either, or just to show how confused she was getting emotionally. Poor T'Pol, it must be rough for a Vulcan to be in love and to be supressing feelings that make her "Vulcan superiority" seem hipocritical at times. (I think Vulcans are alot closer to 'being human' when it comes to emotions than what they want to admit to themselves).

Yeah, that would've been something if Trip and Phlox had had that talk (I think we'd all like to be a fly on the wall eavesdropping in on that discussion). Who knows, maybe it could've forced our pointy earred friend into admitting to Trip that that instance where she tried to seduce Phlox was an emotionless sexual need brought on by Pon Farr but that she didn't want to have Trip satisfy it because she has emotional feelings for him rather than just the emotionally lacking or platonic feelings she felt towards Phlox. If he didn't get too outraged by her behavior, he might realize that would actually make her have to admit her feelings like that 'gotcha' moment in Bound where she had to admit that she wanted him to stay.
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Re: Just how "experienced" was T'Pol?

Postby putaro » Wed Jul 06, 2011 3:19 am

WarpGirl wrote:
Putaro Fine I'll make it simple. As I said she LOVED him but she had sex because of fear and jealousy, not love.

They did not have a ROMANTIC relationship because in that same episode he's pursuing another woman.

They did not have a ROMANTIC relationship because they made no commitment to each other.

They did not have a ROMANTIC relationship because she had no clue they'd end up bonded.

Up until Bound they did not have a ROMANTIC relationship. They were two people who loved each other. And only one of them had even a glint of a clue and it wasn't Trip.

You keep going off on a different tangent.

WarpGirl wrote:
Putaro wrote:You know, "mates" doesn't just mean "has sex with". It can also mean the process of becoming a "mate"

Absolutely true. Only in this case, it makes no sense that she was referring to the process of becoming mated to Trip because they never got that far. After Harbinger they were in a state of contention 90% of the time until after Damage. T'Pol's wedding to Koss interuppted any courtship after that. Then T'Les' death and the Kirshara interuppted them again. Until, Trip got sick of it all and left. So they never even had the chance to begin the process of becoming mates until Bound.

So in that instance I believe she can only be referring to their physical mating.

I agree they did not have a "romantic relationship." However, Vulcans don't have romantic relationships. No flowers, no going to the movies, no candlelight dinners. So it makes no sense to try to interpret her words in the context of romance.

However, Vulcans can form a "mating bond". I would say that if two Vulcans form a mating bond then they are "mated". It's a tautology. If you have a mating bond, you are mated. If you have mated you might form a mating bond.

But being "mated" doesn't mean you just had sex. And the process of forming a mating bond takes more than sex - and we agree that they had deep feelings for each other even if they weren't having a romantic relationship.

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Re: Just how "experienced" was T'Pol?

Postby marchale » Wed Jul 06, 2011 4:28 am

WarpGirl wrote:Marchale I'll answer but I'm gonna get killed... She didn't seduce Trip because she loved him (even though she did) she seduced him out of irrational fear, and pure jealousy. All of those things are about her not about love. Love is unselfish, and looks for what is best for the other person.

Add her loss of control due to Pa'nar and the Trellium D, and you've got the equivilant of a drunk geek girl faced with losing the quaterback to the head cheerleader. She did the first thing she could think of. Then, when she woke up she realized that her "solution" was no "solution" at all. She knows humans have casual sex, she knows TRIP has casual sex. So she tried to bow out gracefully.

But how could she do that? She had never dealt with anything like this in her entire life.

It's obvious Trip did nothing to let her know how he felt about what happened during their time together. T'Pol is neither callous, cold, or the type to hurt anyone with deliberate intent. If she had any clue that what she would do that morning would hurt him she would have never do it.

Personally I take Trip at his word when he told T'Les he didn't realize he loved her until she told him she was marrying Koss. And I don't think his heart was shattered during that morning after either.

Thanks for your reply, and you are not going to be killed here (I appreciated your giving me your insight into how you arrived at your conclusion there - hmmm, it's definatly 'food for thought" I hadn't considered before when I wrote it off as just another inconsistancy in canon).

When you said: "It's obvious Trip did nothing to let her know how he felt about what happened during their time together" do you think she couldn't sense how hurt he was? I don't think she was deliberatly trying to hurt him, just that she might not have realized it had. And I guess we disagree about this, but I thought by his reaction that he was making it loud and clear how he felt. I know it brought me to tears when I seen how it affected him.

You think he was being honest with T'Les ? I suspect that (because of his pride and hurt feelings about her impending marriage) that might've been what he wanted T'Les to think was true. And I suppose I "could get killed for saying this" - but personally, I suspect both characters were falling in love (and were both possibly aware of their feelings) from really early on in the show. I mean, how could Trip not see the jealousy she exhibited towards every female he came in contact with from Ah-len on? And how could she not pick-up on the way he'd frequently look at her? (I was sure hoping they'd get together years before the neuropressure started anyway). Well, considering how intelligent they are, I want to explain their not picking up on what I think were obvious enough hints as just being the result of TPTB's bad judgement there in not pursuing it further and earlier than they did.

As far as what you said in saying: "She didn't seduce Trip because she loved him (even though she did) she seduced him out of irrational fear, and pure jealousy. All of those things are about her not about love. Love is unselfish, and looks for what is best for the other person." Okay, maybe this is just a language problem we're having in how we interpret the word "love", but the way I see it, the "irrational fear and pure jealousy" as you put it were manifested (albeit in a pretty emotionally immature way) because of the fact that she loved him, they do not exist apart from it, so technically that was love. It's just that her reaction was done by an emotionally stunted or frustrated lady who didn't know how else to express it. Her love caused those reactions to happen, that was the driving force behind it (and while ideally love is unselfish and looks for what is best as you say, that often only happens in an ideal world, not in the real world where fears and jealousy live and happen one helluva lot more frequently on a day to day basis, LOL!). Ach, you're still young and are far too idealistic about love yet - you'll learn what I mean about love in the sometimes unpleasant consequences of the real world after you get to be an old hag like me! (people rarely react in the idealistic, altruistic way you're young enough to think they would).

But I apologize if I came off sounding like I was being unfair or harsh towards T'Pol earlier. I'm not, I like T'Pol alot and I imagine her emotional immaturity must be as difficult for her to deal with as a Vulcan as what falling in love must've been for her. And I thought TPTB was being especially tough on her character at times by putting her in emotionally charged situations where it was damn tough for her to react like a Vulcan. Like that whole Trellium D thing made no sense to me, was she trying to explore her emotions or what was the purpose of that? Why not let her explore that with Trip more rather than becoming hooked on a drug? Actually, I felt sorry for T'Pol at times trying to deal with emotional things her Vulcan nature was unprepared for and sometimes ill equipped to handle properly. And it didn't help either being in an often inconsistant script in a show where you'd often wonder where they were going to go with something when things didn't seem to make sense or add up the way you hoped it would. And I think TPTB threw away the chance to save the show by not developing what could've been between Trip and T'Pol. They probably lost a lot of potential fans by what seemed to me to be the juvenial and inconsistant way they treated TnT on the show.
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Re: Just how "experienced" was T'Pol?

Postby Silverbullet » Wed Jul 06, 2011 1:41 pm

Good morning. Started without me again.

One thing I believed is missed here is that T'Pol showed no pity towards Trip. She had been around Humans for three years. She knew they could be hurt by others. That they apologized for wrongs or consoled out of pity. But T'Pol only showed pity towards Trip when she consoled him over the death of his sister. She did NOT show any pity when he was at deaths door. She never once visited the Sickbay to ask or see what his condition was. She never (in the episode at least) asked Phlox how Trip was doing. She knew he had one chance and that was Sim. She did show Sim pity by giving him that kiss. But nothing for Trip. The morning after was pitiless. She was merciless. She gutted him without a qualm showing on her face. Trip wore his Heart on his sleeve when he sat down. His reaction was Heartbreaking. A man trying to salvage as much of his manhood as possible after bein told that the night before had no meaning for the woman he shared it with. That should have been the breaker but his love was so strong for her that he took it. Personaly, I think that TPTB really screwed the pooch on the morning after. They blew a chance to have another avenue other than always the Super Hero Archer (which by then I was sick of and perhaps others were too)

So, cold, merciless, pitiless T'Pol shattered the man she should have told that the night before was the most important night of her life.

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Re: Just how "experienced" was T'Pol?

Postby putaro » Wed Jul 06, 2011 3:24 pm

Silverbullet wrote:So, cold, merciless, pitiless T'Pol shattered the man she should have told that the night before was the most important night of her life.

So how can she do something like this and still be the perfect woman to you?

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Re: Just how "experienced" was T'Pol?

Postby Cogito » Wed Jul 06, 2011 3:54 pm

putaro wrote:So how can she do something like this and still be the perfect woman to you?

If you look at the series without any preconceptions or agenda, take everything at face value and assume nothing significant happened that we weren't shown, you would probably conclude that T'Pol was a failed former security operative who was ineffectual at almost everything she attempted, succumbed to the temptations of sex, drugs and rock-and-roll while she was with the humans, had a disfunctional relationship with her mother, had a brief fling with Trip that went nowhere because neither of them were brave enough to commit to the other, and apparently cared more about Archer than she did about Trip.

That's not how I look at it. I have very strong preconceptions and a very definite agenda and I cheerfully ignore anything we were shown that doesn't fit them. I find I'm happier that way. :D

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Re: Just how "experienced" was T'Pol?

Postby Asso » Wed Jul 06, 2011 4:06 pm

Cogito wrote:If you look at the series without any preconceptions or agenda, take everything at face value and assume nothing significant happened that we weren't shown, you would probably conclude that T'Pol was a failed former security operative who was ineffectual at almost everything she attempted, succumbed to the temptations of sex, drugs and rock-and-roll while she was with the humans, had a disfunctional relationship with her mother, had a brief fling with Trip that went nowhere because neither of them were brave enough to commit to the other, and apparently cared more about Archer than she did about Trip.

:rotflmao: :tears: :rotflmao: :tears: :rotflmao: :tears: :rotflmao: :tears: :rotflmao: :tears: :rotflmao: :tears:
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